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China Chapter 15-3 By Bill N..

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1 China Chapter 15-3 By Bill N.

2 Social Classes All people were not considered equal
Women were considered inferior to men Young had to respect their elders The highest class was the Gentry Wealthy landowners Allowed fingernails to grow very long to show they didn’t have to work Next was the Peasants Class most people belonged to Some were relativley rich Others were tenant farmers Chinese Gentry

3 Social Classes Lower than Peasants were artisans and merchants
You could move up in class If you passed examinations you might become a gov’t official and therefore rise in society Chinese Peasants

4 Family Life From an early age children learned their needs came after the family’s The idea of Filial Piety was used. This meant the eldest family members needs were met before the youngest Values such as respect for elders, duty and harmony were of great importance The most desired type of family, was a Joint Family A Joint Family contained many generations with the oldest male having the most authority Family Elder

5 Family Life Marriages were always arranged
The Gentry used marriages to strengthen their positions in society Peasants looked for wives who could work in the fields and bear them many children Families consulted ancestors for approval before marriages Final details were worked out with a go-between Traditional Chinese Wedding

6 Role of Women Women’s role in the Chinese society was to bear children and work No family celebrated the birth of a daughter When a woman married she then became part of her husband’s family Chinese Wife

7 Role of Women The young bride had to obey her husband’s mother
It was under her mother-in-law that she learned the ways of the household Some mother-in-laws could be very cruel Chinese also adopted the practice of binding women’s feet to make sure her feet did not grow This practice was very painful, but parents thought they wouldn’t find a husband for a girl with big feet Lady who had bound feet

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