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Constructivism Learning Theory

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1 Constructivism Learning Theory
By: Kristyn Snyder

2 What is it? Constructivism learning theory is a
philosophy which enhances students' logical and conceptual growth. The underlying concept within the constructivism learning theory is the role which experiences play in education.

3 The constructivist theory says
Simply put? The constructivist theory says that we learn by doing or by application

4 Constructivism Learning Theory
5 Key Principles of the Constructivism Learning Theory Learning is active & constructive Learner builds on previous knowledge People are actively making associations in order to be objective in learning New learning is compared to prior knowledge

5 Important contributors to the Constructivism Learning Theory:
Vygotsky Piaget Vico Bruner Rorty Dewey

6 The steps to learning constructively:
*Image credited from

7 What does a Constructivist Learning Lesson Plan look like?
First, you must consider the 5 E’s: Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate

8 Here is a sample scenario when the Constructivist
Learning Theory (or 5E’s) can be utilized in a Kindergarten math class! Please refer to your downloaded handout for the lesson plan details

9 Please click the screen to begin the video and click the screen to proceed to the next slide when the video ends.

10 How my sample classroom scenario used Constructivist Learning?
Engage- I will engage, ask questions, and talk to the kids about how it’s possible to measure items without a ruler Explore- I will have the kids break up in groups and investigate on their own Explain- Once they collect their data we will analyze our findings & compare notes. Elaborate- I will introduce traditional methods of measurement & show the students how they are used Evaluate- The students will have a homework assignment to assess their knowledge

11 That is one of MANY ways to
incorporate the Constructivist Learning Method (aka the 5E’s) into a lesson plan!

12 Sources: Constructivism: A Model of Teaching for Preparing Problem Solvers. Obtained from on 3/6/16 The Constructivism Approach To Learning. Obtained from on 3/6/16 Constructivist Teaching Methods: as obtained from on 3/6/16

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