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Presentation on theme: "GRAPHS AND MAPS."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objective I can explain how data is represented
I can use and read maps and graphs

3 Graphs Used to express and analyze data.
X – axis : Horizontal axis Independent variable The Cause Y – axis: Vertical axis Dependent variable The Effect

4 Line Graphs Useful for showing changes that occur in related variable.
Ex: Time

5 Bar Graph Often use to compare a set of measurements, amounts or changes

6 Circle Graph Is a divided circle that shows how a part of something is related to the whole Mainly for percentage

7 Mapping: Latitude & Longitude
Distance in degrees North to South of the Ecuator Circles the globe East to West Longitude Distance in degrees East or West of Prime Meridian Circles the Globe North to South

8 Latitude & Longitude

9 Latitude & Longitude

10 Latitude & Longitude

11 Latitude & Longitude

12 Major Lines on Earth Prime Meridian 0 degrees Longitude
To the right is East Hemisphere To the left is West Hemisphere Passes through Greenwich, England Equator 0 degrees Latitude Halfway between the North and South Pole North of it is the Northern Hemisphere South of it is the Southern Hemisphere


14 Mercator Map

15 Robinson Map

16 Conic Map

17 Gnomonic Map

18 Topographic Map


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