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Unit 2: Parents and Families

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1 Unit 2: Parents and Families
Prepared by: Cicilia Evi GradDiplSc., M.Psi

2 Parents … Used to be blame for LD in their children
Parents influence the area of LD more than any other area of special education Now  work together with teachers at school or therapist at therapy place Why such changes? Reciprocal effects Federal Laws  parents are involved in identification, evaluation and educational placement  IEP, IFSP

3 Treatment Models Family-centered models  treat family with pride and dignity Social system approach: Individual is influenced by his family  which is also influenced by the extended family  and larger social environment

4 Turnbulls’ Family Systems Model
Family Characteristics  descriptive information : family, personal, special conditions Family Interaction  interaction among family member, cultural beliefs Cohesion : degree to which individual family members are free to act independently Adaptability : degree to which families are able to change their modes of interaction when they encounter unusual or stressful situations

5 Turnbulls’ Family Systems Model (2)
Family Functions  activity in which families engage to meet their everyday needs  varies to achieve economic, medical, social and educational needs Family Life Cycle  the varying stages a family or individual goes through depending on age and stage of development

6 Dunst’s Soc Support System Model
The importance of informal supports for the family  family, friends, neighbors, social club, churches

7 Current Trends The family unit Single parents Gay/lesbian couples
Having fewer children Waiting longer to get married ↑ mobility of the population

8 Current Trends (2) Race, ethnicity, and language
Sosioeconomic status  poor health care and inadequate nutritions  places children at greater risk of having disability and affects family coping ability

9 Family Adjustment Reactions  shock and disruption, denial, sadness, anxiety and fear, anger and adaptation (Drotar, dkk, 1975) Parental Guilt  because the causes are unknown Parental Stress  deciding how much freedom and independence to allow their children, external attributions and family instability and disruption

10 Family Adjustment (2) Sibling Reactions  some adjust weel, some are having problems, such as: resentment Family Reaction  varies! Re-united after the stormy days Minor difficulties Becomes dysfunctional

11 Family Values and Attitudes
Parents are exposing their children to rich environment Indochinese families in the US  values of getting the highest mark Parents and homework  from cognitive disabilities to daily mistakes (forget to bring books home, or bring completed homework to school)

12 What They Can Do? Teachers PROJECT Strategy Steps (p. 123)
Parents  help children to choose a quiet, distraction-free area for studying, reinforce the study process Students  take an active role?? Tutorial  if affordable

13 What They Can Do? Parents as Advocates Parents-Teachers Conference
To impart info to parents  school achievement Gather info from parents  hobby, interests Plan IEP Solve the problems at school School – Home Note Programs

14 Thank You!

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