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Mandala Patterns The word Mandala (pronunciation mon- dah- lah) means "circle".   Mandalas are geometric patterns starting from a central dot, working.

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Presentation on theme: "Mandala Patterns The word Mandala (pronunciation mon- dah- lah) means "circle".   Mandalas are geometric patterns starting from a central dot, working."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mandala Patterns The word Mandala (pronunciation mon- dah- lah) means "circle".   Mandalas are geometric patterns starting from a central dot, working outward in repetitive patterns, often integrating symbols and vibrant colour. Many mandalas have spiritual significance to an individual or group of individuals. The Hindus were one of the first people to use a mandala as a spiritual tool, but the mandalas most individuals are familiar with, are ones made by Buddhists. Mandalas are a symbol that is now often used in tattoo design. Task 1: Follow the 8 step instructions below to draw a Mandala Step 1: Draw a circle on your paper; this will be the size of your mandala. You can trace around an object such as a plate, a roll of packing tape or the rim of a drinking glass. If you’re up to the challenge, you can also draw it freehand.  Step 4:  Create organic shapes (I used a flower petal shape here) coming out of each of the four quadrants from the small circle. Step 2: Draw one line horizontally in the centre of your circle, then another vertically, so that you have four equal quadrants in the circle. Step 3: Start by drawing a small circle in the centre of your large circle.  Step 5:  Working from the “negative” spaces in your current design, draw additional shapes. These can be a new shape or the same shapes you initially drew at a different height. Step 6:  Continue adding shapes until you run out of space in your circle. Or, if you decide that you want to go bigger, simply expand the circle and keep going. Step 8: From here, you can either leave the mandala as-is or continue drawing within the shapes for an even more intricate  look. Once you’re happy with the work, erase any pencil lines still showing, if applicable.  Step 7:  If you worked in pencil as I did, once you fill your circle, you can go over your lines harder or in pen to make them stand out.

2 Today Mandalas are a very popular design for tattoos but the designs are personal and will include symbols and pictures that have personal meaning to the person being tattooed. Task 2: Design a mandala that has personal meaning to you. Your mandala could be based on objects that are of value to you, an family pet, a favourite animal, something from nature etc. Below are some ideas for you:- This artist wanted to base their mandala on a simple love heart shape. This artist designed a silhouette of a cat and filled it with Mandala patterns. This artist liked trees and designed a mandala of trees. This artist loves owls and began drawing their mandala from the eyes of the owl and the design grew from there. This artist based their mandala on their pet fish. This artists favourite pet was their dog. They didn’t want to draw a silhouette of a dog so designed a mandala paw.

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