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Tuesday 16th May Unseen Poetry

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1 Tuesday 16th May Unseen Poetry
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. Tuesday 16th May Unseen Poetry Write the key words. Key Words: alliteration personification narrative voice

2 How many marks is your unseen poetry comparison worth?
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. How many marks is your unseen poetry comparison worth? 20 marks!

3 What are the assessment objectives for this section?
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. What are the assessment objectives for this section? AO1: critical personal response AO2: analyse language, structure and form

4 In the exam: Read the question and highlight the key words.
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. In the exam: Read the question and highlight the key words. Read the poems and highlight 2 key words in each poem linked to the theme. Decide what each poem is about and how you know. Identify at least one language device in each poem. Find one thing about structure for each poem. Spend 2 minutes planning your paragraphs. Write up your response. Panic? Identify the key words in the question

5 What do you need to do when you first see your question?
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. What do you need to do when you first see your question? Identify the key words in the question. Highlight these first. Panic? Identify the key words in the question

6 You need two different colour pens or highlighters.
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. You need two different colour pens or highlighters. We are going to annotate the poems thinking about the theme of relationships. Panic? Identify the key words in the question

7 With your first colour:
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. With your first colour: Highlight any vocabulary that links to the theme of relationships. Annotate the words you have highlighted and explain what they mean. Add any connotations to the words you have highlighted. Panic? Identify the key words in the question

8 What are the two poems about?
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. What are the two poems about? Next to each poem explain what you think it is about and why. This is your personal response (AO1). Panic? Identify the key words in the question

9 With your second colour:
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. With your second colour: Highlight any poetic devices that the poet has used e.g: imagery, personification, alliteration, metaphor, simile, onomatopoeia, emotive language, repetition. Annotate the devices you have highlighted and explain what they show and why they are effective. Add an explanation of the effect on the reader. Panic? Identify the key words in the question

10 What can we say about the structure of the poem?
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. What can we say about the structure of the poem? How do the poems start/end? Look at the first and last line. How are the stanzas laid out? Are there any shorter or longer stanzas? Why? What is the mood/tone of each poem? Does this change? What is the effect of this? Panic? Identify the key words in the question

11 P1 – Personal response (what are they about, how do you know?)
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. Planning P1 – Personal response (what are they about, how do you know?) P2 – Language devices P3 – Structure P4 – Key words Panic? Identify the key words in the question

12 Independently, you need to answer the question.
Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. Independently, you need to answer the question. You have thirty five minutes to write. 11. Compare the ways the writers present relationships between parent and child in Follower and Nettles. In your answer, you should compare: the ideas in the poems the poets’ use of language the poets’ use of form and structure. Use evidence from the poems to support your comparison. (20 marks)

13 Success Criteria Explain how the writers present relationships
Embed quotations Use analytical verbs: reveals, highlights, illustrates Use comparative phrases: contrastingly, similarly Zoom in on key words and compare how they are used Refer to the reader throughout Compare the structure Compare how tone changes throughout the poem Personal response: what is the poet’s message?

14 Lesson Objectives: Summarise assessment objectives. Explore comparison of unseen poetry. Key Words: Language Form Structure Personal response Success Criteria: Discuss assessment objectives. Read and annotate poems. Plan response. Write comparison of poems. Self-assess your work against the mark scheme. Highlight the band into which you think the answer falls. What has been done well? What could be improved? Write an improvement target to yourself using the wording from the mark scheme.

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