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IMTC SIP Interconnect and SuperOp

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Presentation on theme: "IMTC SIP Interconnect and SuperOp"— Presentation transcript:

1 IMTC SIP Interconnect and SuperOp
Charles Eckel IMTC SIP Parity AG Chair, MEF LSO Hackathon

2 MEF Q4 - Applications Committee
What is the IMTC? International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium Mission: Promote and facilitate the development and use of interoperable, real-time, multimedia telecommunications products and services based on open international standards. MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

3 MEF Q4 - Applications Committee
Problem Statement Standards interpreted differently Solutions are competitive Interoperability is hard MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

4 SIP Interconnect AG - Charter
Forum for IMTC member companies to cooperate and pool resources on issues and extensions to SIP based enterprise communication applications Best practices documents as shared foundation to interoperate Identify and tackle challenges and opportunities with interoperability, operation, and integration of SIP based applications with emerging communication and networking technologies MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

5 SIP Interconnect AG – What We Do
Organize interoperability test events Done in cooperation and coordination with WebRTC, MANE, SSV, and UC SDN activity groups and with SIPit Provide forum for members to agree on SIP profile for communication applications Particularly for interconnecting with other application and network technologies (e.g. WebRTC, SDN, IPv6) Educate members on recent developments in SIP standards and market evolution MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

6 IMTC SIP Interconnect AG History
Three best practices documents created IETF draft-ietf-mmusic-opportunistic-negotiation IMTC SIP Parity AG chartered IMTC 1013 SIP Video Profile IMTC 1015 SIP Video Profile IETF BFCPbis chartered 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | IMTC SIP group proposed IETF draft-sandbakken-xcon-bfcp-udp IMTC 1012 SIP Video Profile Re-charter as IMTC SIP Interconnect AG IETF draft-ietf-sipbrandy-osrtp MEF Application Committee MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

7 Best Practice Documents
SIP Video Profile Add video (H.264) to SIP based audio telephony Role Based Video Add content sharing to SIP based video conferencing SIP Security Enable adoption of secure signaling (TLS) and media (SRTP) MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

8 MEF Q4 - Applications Committee
SIP Video Profile Asymmetric negotiation Bandwidth, Video Coding Complexity Bandwidth Indications - Session level vs. media level RTP/AVPF profile – SDP offer/answer negotiation Flow control - SDP vs. RTCP feedback (TMMBR) Intra frame request - SIP INFO vs. RTCP feedback (PLI/FIR) H.264 – Recommended set of parameters MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

9 MEF Q4 - Applications Committee
Recent Developments SIP Video Profile IMTC1015 – Published (obsoletes IMTC1013) Improves interworking with IMS/3GPP Addresses interworking issue with RTCP feedback parameters Test Cases Added to address issue with “m-stream” vs. “mstrm” IETF draft Negotiating SRTP and RTCP Feedback using the RTP/AVP Profile, draft-ietf-mmusic-opportunistic-negotiation MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

10 Role Based Video Streams
Video - “main” vs. “presentation” RFC 4796 “content” attribute Mapping: “slides” for H.239 “presentation” “alt” for H.239 “live” “main” for the main video stream BFCP (Binary Floor Control Protocol) UDP instead of TCP for transport MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

11 Recent Developments IETF BFCPBIS Working Group (Charter)
Role Based Video Streams IETF BFCPBIS Working Group (Charter) draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4582bis in RFC editor’s queue draft-ietf-bfcpbis-rfc4583bis in working group last call IMTC best practice to be updated per new RFCs IMTC Last Call Publish as IMTC10xx MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

12 MEF Q4 - Applications Committee
SIP Security Profile MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

13 MEF Q4 - Applications Committee
Recent Developments SIP Security Profile IETF draft An Opportunistic Approach for Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (OSRTP), draft-ietf-sipbrandy-osrtp IMTC best practice to be updated per new RFC IMTC Last Call Publish as IMTC10xx MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

14 MEF Q4 - Applications Committee
SuperOp! Annual event for standards based interoperability Developers, testers, architects test interworking of bleeding edge and production products and solutions MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

15 MEF Q4 - Applications Committee
SuperOp! 2018 Host as part of MEF Q2 Meeting? Combine with Euro18 LSO Hackathon? MEF LSO Hackathons encourage software developers and network experts to collaborate and develop utilities, ideas, sample code and solutions that show practical implementations of MEF- defined services and LSO APIs MEF Q4 - Applications Committee

16 Questions? Thank you!

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