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We are going to do a hallway class critique

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2 We are going to do a hallway class critique
Studio Term 2! Find all your art work! We are going to do a hallway class critique Pick out at least one piece for the art show

3 Critique Etiquette Main goals of the critique:
Help each other to see what we can do to improve as artists Learn from others and how others see your art to help you improve as an artist I think we can all agree, none of us are done as an artist, there is always more work to do and how we can improve

4 Critique Flow Set out all your work
If there are a few pieces you don’t want to show, you can stack them off to one side face down on your folder I need to photograph all your work, incase you are in AP and so you have documentation of your work (college applications, sharing with others, etc.) Look at each others work, comment on two people’s work Put the sticky note on the square, so that each person get’s two comments

5 After the critique Respond to the questions on your sticky note paper after the critique Pick out the piece you want for the art show Write your name on your folder Put all your other art in the folder We will have the winter art show in December so leave your work here until then Sketchbooks and 13 day project!

6 13 day project Everyone get’s a sketchbook!
Bring this to class everyday and take it with you every where so you can work on your art Pick a story or make-up a storyline Your sketchbook can be fiction or non-fiction You are telling a visual story about something The more personal you can make your story the more authentic it can be This is an independent process, how you do on this, for some of you will determine if you transfer to AP art, the quality of this could be your concentration for AP, so really do your best on each entry

7 A Few Guild Lines for Sketchbooks
Don’t take a page out, keep it, cover it up, paint over it Bring your sketchbook every day to class Write your name and class period on the inside We will take pictures of our sketches throughout the project, incase something happens to them Keep your pages clean(add papers on pencil drawings if you need too) Spray drawings when they are done if you are using: pencil, charcoal or pastels(chalk and oil) Draw on one side of the paper Questions?

8 AP

9 Advisory Bell Work 1) Out of all your teachers about how many do you think expect you to attend college or the ATC after high school? (this is for an AVID survey) 2) Look back at your goal from term 1. How did you accomplish your goal? 3) Was there anything in your goal you didn’t accomplish? What happened during term 1 that made it challenging to accomplish that goal and why? 4) It’s term 2, fresh start! Write down your goals for term 2.

10 Agenda Announcements:
Agenda Bell Work Review goals Those that accomplished their goals will earn a key card! Key cards get you prizes to local business around Utah and a chance to win a car! Announcements: ew?usp=sharing

11 One-on-One Chats About Goals
Once you are done with your goals, let’s chat one on one about them Please keep your bell work out so we can chat about it While you are waiting, work on any home work you have Plan out your week in your planner What days do you have games, practice, events, homework, family events, etc. Write those down in your planner, so you can see what your week looks like

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