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South African Independent Financial Advisors Association

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1 South African Independent Financial Advisors Association

2 AGENDA Derek Smorenburg (SAIFAA) – “Update on FSB Meetings , Alexander Forbes IFA Symposium, Media Coverage, Launch of the Due Diligence Program, Mission and Program for 2018” Duggan Matthews (Marriott) – “The benefits of an income focused approach for a more certain outcome when managing living annuities in a low growth environment” Deane Moore (JustSA) – “How to consume more in retirement and sustain this for life” Fred Liebenberg (Old Mutual Wealth) – “An ideal Living Annuity Investment: Does it exist?”

3 AGENDA (cont.) Bernard van Wyk (Analytics) – “Securities Portfolios – the perfect portfolio solutions for Living Annuity Investors” Mark Lindley (Investec) – “Dispelling some common myths around living annuities” Shaun Duddy (Allan Gray) – “Managing living annuities to go the distance - how to think about drawdowns, investment strategy and risk” Announcements & Closure by Derek Smorenburg, Founder of SAIFAA.

4 WHY SAIFAA? Guiding Principles
To promote the value of “independent advice” in a modern financial services market and the critical role of independent advisors in delivering this advice. To be recognised as the “voice of the independent advisor community” with a mandate to represent this community with the regulator and the media.

5 WHY SAIFAA? Membership Eligibility
Any financial advisor working for an independently owned Category I or Category II FSP “independently owned” meaning free to structure its business for the benefit of its clients selling any portion of the equity in the business to a product supplier will likely disqualify the advisor from being independent

6 MISSION STATEMENT “work in progress”
Our mission is to be the voice of the Independent Advisor in South Africa particularly relating to regulatory, media and product issues. We will help develop a sustainable independent advice industry that is relevant to the divergent needs of investors in our country and will strive to ensure that our members act in a professional manner at all times, with due care for the interests of the investing public.

7 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Derek Smorenburg Cape Alex Babich Gauteng
Dries du Toit Harry Kalligiannis John Kinsley Johann Kruger Kagisho Mahura Bertie le Roux

8 SAIFAA REPORT CARD 56 Product & Service Providers Scoped
120 Founder Members on board FSB Meeting 14th September Alexander Forbes IFA Project 10th October Launch of the SAIFAA Due Diligence Program Media Coverage Mission & Plans for 2018 (Membership Target)




12 TODAY – THE “CRISIS” (cont.)
The awkward reality is that the majority of the “at least 80%” of the current Living Annuitants and their Spouses (1 Million People) will run out of their Living Annuity Retirement Capital currently estimated total valued at R400 Billion These Annuitants, Souses and families will be faced with the difficult choices, assuming they have not made adequate provision, that includes living with their children, grandchildren or under which bridge will they be living?

13 TODAY – THE “CRISIS” (cont.)
SAIFAA is encouraging their 120 Independent Financial Advisor members to consider and explore the many “New and Disruptive” Solutions that are becoming available that may even include an advisory and guidance and possibly a “pro-bono” program, for this important segment of the population who have put some capital aside for retirement. So the question is whether your Independent Financial Advisor is a member of SAIFAA and is he or she up-to-speed on all the “New & Disruptive” Solutions being offered at the 3 SAIFAA Forums and planned Workshops that need include health impairment possibilities such as Dementia, Parkinson’s, Cancers etc and the reality we all have to face of living to long!

14 TODAY – THE “CRISIS” (cont.)
There may not be any easy or quick fix options and solutions to this “Crisis” that we at SAIFAA believe that our members need to consider an “advisory and guidance” program to help reduce the concern and stress that these important and respected Annuitant Sector of our population! Would you be interested in a Member Only Workshop during that focuses on the following:- How to deal with the aging Annuitant Client Base! E.G. One of the saddest features of dementia is how it disconnects people from so many aspects of life – from family, friends, activities, places, identity and respect. How to incorporate the family into the Long Term Planning Process that eventually will be necessary in this journey of your Annuitant Clients

Retirement Income Certified Professional (RICP®– USA) RICP® prepares you to help clients obtain a secure retirement. This designation equips advisors with the knowledge to effectively manage the transition from asset accumulation during a client’s working years to asset decumulation in retirement. RICP® enables the advisor to demonstrate tremendous value by delivering smart strategies for creating secure, sustainable income for a client's retirement. There is an urgent demand for practical ways to structure effective retirement income plans. Today’s regulatory environment underlines this need. Study with the nation’s leading retirement income planning experts to learn best practices in Social Security claiming, risk management, decumulation planning, distribution strategies, and more. -

16 SAIFAA PRPC – PROPOSAL? Two Day Course – Max 30 IFAs – Exams – Cost TBA Day One: The Theory – Practical Skills Enhancement – Presenting the “How to Implement” – Clients Due Diligence of Life Expectancy & Longevity – Suitable Risk Profiling – Check List – Dealing with Dementia, Parkinson's & Powers of Attorney Day Two: 3/4 Companies “How to find the correct Balance” – Options and Solutions – Networking & IFA Sharing Discussion – Presenting of PRPC Certificates Media Coverage – SAIFAA Website PRPC Status – Would you be interested?

17 SAIFAA PLANS – 2018 The Next LL&HA Forums early in 2018
Workshops on a wide range of subjects A sustained Founder Membership (FM’s) Drive with the help of Members (FM’s are those who join before August 2018) – Special treatment? Membership Form, Website Expansion & Debit Order Lots more Media Coverage SAIFAA PRPC Post-Retirement Planning Certification Launch

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