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Multiple Regression 6 Sociology 5811 Lecture 27

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1 Multiple Regression 6 Sociology 5811 Lecture 27
Copyright © 2005 by Evan Schofer Do not copy or distribute without permission

2 Announcements Final paper due now!!! Course Evaluations
Wrap up multiple regression Discuss issues of causality, if time remains.

3 Review: Outliers Strategy for identifying outliers:
1. Look at scatterplots or regression partial plots for extreme values Easiest. A minimum for final projects 2. Ask SPSS to compute outlier diagnostic statistics Examples: “Leverage”, Cook’s D, DFBETA, residuals, standardized residuals.

4 Review: Outliers Example: Study time and student achievement.
X variable: Average # hours spent studying per day Y variable: Score on reading test Y axis X axis 30 20 10 Case X Y 1 2.6 28 2 1.4 13 3 .65 17 4 4.1 31 5 .25 8 6 1.9 16 7 3.5

5 Review: Outliers Cook’s D: Identifies cases that are strongly influencing the regression line SPSS calculates a value for each case Go to “Save” menu, click on Cook’s D How large of a Cook’s D is a problem? Rule of thumb: Values greater than: 4 / (n – k – 1) Example: N=7, K = 1: Cut-off = 4/5 = .80 Cases with higher values should be examined Big residuals also can indicate outliers.

6 Review: Outliers Example: Outlier/Influential Case Statistics Hours
Score Resid Std Resid Cook’s D 2.60 28 9.32 1.01 .124 1.40 13 -1.97 -.215 .006 .65 17 4.33 .473 .070 4.10 31 7.70 .841 .640 .25 8 -3.43 -.374 .082 1.90 16 -.515 -.056 .0003 3.50 6 -15.4 -1.68 .941

7 Review: Outliers Question: Should you drop “outlier” cases?
Obviously, you should drop cases that are incorrectly coded or erroneous But, you should be cautious about throwing out cases If you throw out enough cases, you can produce any result that you want! So, be judicious when destroying data When in doubt: Present results both with and without outliers Or present one set of results, but mention how results differ depending on how outliers were handled.

8 Multicollinearity Another common regression problem: Multicollinearity
Definition: collinear = highly correlated Multicollinearity = inclusion of highly correlated independent variables in a single regression model Recall: High correlation of X variables causes problems for estimation of slopes (b’s) Recall: variable denominators approach zero, coefficients may wrong/too large.

9 Multicollinearity Multicollinearity symptoms:
Unusually large standard errors and betas Compared to if both collinear variables aren’t included Betas often exceed 1.0 Two variables have the same large effect when included separately… but… When put together the effects of both variables shrink Or, one remains positive and the other flips sign Note: Not all “sign flips” are due to multicollinearity!

10 Multicollinearity What does multicollinearity do to models?
Note: It does not violate regression assumptions But, it can mess things up anyway 1. Multicollinearity can inflate standard error estimates Large standard errors = small t-values = no rejected null hypotheses Note: Only collinear variables are effected. The rest of the model results are OK.

11 Multicollinearity What does multicollinearity do?
2. It leads to instability of coefficient estimates Variable coefficients may fluctuate wildly when a collinear variable is added These fluctuations may not be “real”, but may just reflect amplification of “noise” and “error” One variable may only be slightly better at predicting Y… but SPSS will give it a MUCH higher coefficient Note: These only affect variables that are highly correlated. The rest of the model is OK.

12 Multicollinearity Diagnosing multicollinearity:
1. Look at correlations of all independent vars Correlation of .7 is a concern, .8> is often a problem But, sometimes problems aren’t always bivariate… and don’t show up in bivariate correlations Ex: If you forget to omit a dummy variable 2. Watch out for the “symptoms” 3. Compute diagnostic statistics Tolerances, VIF (Variance Inflation Factor).

13 Multicollinearity Multicollinearity diagnostic statistics:
“Tolerance”: Easily computed in SPSS Low values indicate possible multicollinearity Start to pay attention at .4; Below .2 is very likely to be a problem Tolerance is computed for each independent variable by regressing it on other independent variables.

14 Multicollinearity If you have 3 independent variables: X1, X2, X3…
Tolerance is based on doing a regression: X1 is dependent; X2 and X3 are independent. Tolerance for X1 is simply 1 minus regression R-square. If a variable (X1) is highly correlated with all the others (X2, X3) then they will do a good job of predicting it in a regression Result: Regression r-square will be high… 1 minus r-square will be low… indicating a problem.

15 Multicollinearity Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is the reciprocal of tolerance: 1/tolerance High VIF indicates multicollinearity Gives an indication of how much the Standard Error of a variable grows due to presence of other variables.

16 Multicollinearity Solutions to multcollinearity
It can be difficult if a fully specified model requires several collinear variables 1. Drop unnecessary variables 2. If two collinear variables are really measuring the same thing, drop one or make an index Example: Attitudes toward recycling; attitude toward pollution. Perhaps they reflect “environmental views” 3. Advanced techniques: e.g., Ridge regression Uses a more efficient estimator (but not BLUE – may introduce bias).

17 Nested Models It is common to conduct a series of multiple regressions
Adding new variables or sets of variables to a model Example: Student achievement in school Suppose you are interested in effects of neighborhood You might first look at all demographic effects… Then add neighborhood variables as a group Hopefully to show that they improve the model.

18 Nested Models Question: Do the new variables substantially improve the model? Idea #1: See if your variables are significant Idea #2: See if there is an increase in the adjusted R-Square Idea #3: Conduct an F-test A formal test to see if the group of variables improves the model as a whole (increases the R-square) Recall that F-tests allow comparisons of variance (e.g., SSbetween to SSwithin).

19 Nested Models F-tests require “nested models”
Models are the same, except for addition of new variables You can’t compare totally different models this way Tests following Hypotheses: H0: Two models have the same R-square H1: Two models have different R-square

20 Nested Models SPSS can conduct an F-test between two regression models
A significant F-test indicates: The second model (with additional variables) is a significant improvement (in R-square) compared to the first.

21 Extensions of Regression
The multivariate regression model has been altered and extended in many ways Many techniques are “regression analogues” Often, they address shortcomings of regression Problem: Regression requires that the dependent variable is interval Solution: Logistic Regression (also Probit, others) Allows analysis dichotomous dependent variable

22 Extensions of Regression
Problem: Many variables are “counts” Example: Number of crimes committed Counts = non-negative integers; often highly skewed Solution: Poisson Regression and Negative Binomial Regression These models use a non-linear approach to model counts.

23 Extensions of Regression
Problem: Sometimes we want to measure cases at multiple points in time Example: economic data for companies Cases are not independent, errors may be correlated Solution: Time-series procedures: ARIMA; Prais-Winston; Newey West, and others All different ways to address serial correlation of errors.

24 Extensions of Regression
Problem: Sometimes cases are not independent because they are part of larger groups Example: Research on students in several schools Cases within each school share certain similarities (e.g., neighborhood). They are not independent. Solution: Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM).

25 Extensions of Regression
Problem: Severe measurement error Solution: Structural equation models with latent variables Uses multiple indicators to estimate a better model Problem: Sample selection issues Solution: Heckman sample selection model AND: there are many more… Event history analysis Fixed and random effects models for pooled time series Etc. etc., etc…

26 Models and “Causality”
Issue: People often use statistics to support theories or claims regarding causality They hope to “explain” some phenomena What factors make kids drop out of school Whether or not discrimination leads to wage differences What factors make corporations earn higher profits Statistics provide information about association Always remember: Association (e.g., correlation) is not causation! The old aphorism is absolutely right Association can always be spurious

27 Models and “Causality”
How do we determine causality? The randomized experiment is held up as the ideal way to determine causality Example: Does drug X cure cancer? We could look for association between receiving drug X and cancer survival in a sample of people But: Association does not demonstrate causation; Effect could be spurious Example: Perhaps rich people have better access to drug X; and rich people have more skilled doctors! Can you think of other possible spurious processes?

28 Models and “Causality”
In a randomized experiment, people are assigned randomly to take drug X (or not) Thus, taking drug X is totally random and totally uncorrelated with any other factor (such as wealth, gender, access to high quality doctors, etc) As a result, the association between drug X and cancer survival cannot be affected by any spurious factor Nor can “reverse causality” be a problem SO: We can make strong inferences about causality!

29 Models and “Causality”
Unfortunately, randomized experiments are impractical (or unethical) in many cases Example: Consequences of high-school dropout, national democracy, or impact of homelessness Plan B: Try to “control” for spurious effects: Option 1: Create homogenous sub-groups Effects of Drug X: If there is a spurious relationship with wealth, compare people with comparable wealth Ex: Look at effect of drug X on cancer survivors among people of constant wealth… eliminating spurious effect.

30 Models and “Causality”
Option 2: Use multivariate model to “control” for spurious effects Examine effect of key variable “net” of other relationships Ex: Look at effect of Drug X, while also including a variable for wealth Result: Coefficients for Drug X represent effect net of wealth, avoiding spuriousness.

31 Models and “Causality”
Limitations of “controls” to address spuriousness 1. The “homogenous sub-groups” reduces N To control for many possible spurious effects, you’ll throw away lots of data 2. You have to control for all possible spurious effects If you overlook any important variable, your results could be biased… leading to incorrect conclusions about causality First: It is hard to measure and control for everything Second: Someone can always think up another thing you should have controlled for, undermining your causal claims.

32 Models and “Causality”
Under what conditions can a multivariate model support statements about causality? In theory: A multivariate model support claims about causality… IF: The sample is unbiased The measurement is accurate The model includes controls for every major possible spurious effect The possibility of reverse causality can be ruled out And, the model is executed well: assumptions, outliers, multicollinearity, etc. are all OK.

33 Models and “Causality”
In Practice: Scholars commonly make tentative assertions about causality… IF: The data set is of high quality; sample is either random or arguably not seriously biased Measures are high quality by the standards of the literature The model includes controls for major possible spurious effects discussed in the prior literature The possibility of reverse causality is arguably unlikely And, the model is executed well: assumptions, outliers, multicollinearity, etc. are all acceptable… (OR, the author uses variants of regression necessary to address problems).

34 Models and “Causality”
In sum: Multivariate analysis is not the ideal tool to determine causality If you can run an experiment, do it But: Multivariate models are usually the best tool that we have! Advice: Multivariate models are a terrific way to explore your data Don’t forget: “correlation is not causation” The models aren’t magic; they simply sort out correlation But, if used thoughtfully, they can provide hints into likely causal processes!

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