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Coaching Clinic Triple Play Academy
T-Ball Clinic
T-Ball / Pinto Preparation for Coaches
Rules & tips to understand & remind yourself every day There is no score keeping in T-Ball / Pinto There is no winning team in T-Ball / Pinto Every player on your team needs you to instruct them Every player on your team WANTS you to instruct them Every player on your team bats in an inning No T-Ball game has ever finished with every player getting equal number of at-bats Coaches need to be prepared for & have a plan for the following: 99% of the players cannot catch 99% of the players cannot throw accurately 99% of the players have never hit off a tee Make it FUN – this is your opportunity to make kids love baseball & want to continue in future years
Running a T-Ball / Pinto Practice & Game
Use visual aids & boundaries to teach proper positions & techniques Draw a circle in the ground to designate fielding position (stay in the circle until the ball is hit) Draw X’s or lines in the ground to show where batter should stand in the batter’s box Draw one big line from home plate past 2nd base to show “left side” and “right side”. Incentives go a LONG way, but give them early in the season & give reminders along the way Double play = free ice cream Team captain next game is best listener this game First batter next game is best hustler this game Rotate players to all positions in the field & all spots in the batting order every game Great opportunity for players to get equal chances to field & to learn importance of different spots in the lineup
T-Ball / Pinto Tips, Tricks & Verbal Cues
“V over the C” form for gripping a baseball “Thumb to Thigh – Ball to Sky”, when throwing a baseball Pinkies together below the waist, thumbs together above the waist “You can’t hit the ball if you don’t swing” This should be a mantra from day one in T-ball through the last day of Mustang level – encourage kids to swing Run through the bag, not to the bag
Pinto Clinic
Pinto Preparation for Coaches
Rules & tips to understand & remind yourself every day There is no score keeping in Pinto There is no winning team in Pinto Every player on your team needs you to instruct them Every player on your team WANTS you to instruct them Every player on your team bats in an inning Many Pinto games finish without every player getting equal number of at-bats Coaches need to be prepared for & have a plan for the following: Better than half of the players cannot catch Better than half of the players cannot throw accurately Better than half of the players have never hit live pitching Make it FUN – this is your opportunity to set a good foundation of fundamentals for players to build on in the future
Running a Pinto Practice & Game
Use visual aids & boundaries to teach proper positions & techniques Draw a circle in the ground to designate fielding position (stay in the circle until the ball is hit) Draw X’s or lines in the ground to show where batter should stand in the batter’s box Draw one big line from home plate past 2nd base to show “left side” and “right side”. Incentives go a LONG way, but give them early in the season & give reminders along the way Double play = free ice cream Team captain next game is best listener this game First batter next game is best hustler this game Rotate players to all positions in the field & all spots in the batting order every game Great opportunity for players to get equal chances to field & to learn importance of different spots in the lineup
Pinto Tips & Tricks & Verbal Cues
“V over the C” form for gripping a baseball “Thumb to Thigh – Ball to Sky”, when throwing a baseball Pinkies together below the waist, thumbs together above the waist “You can’t hit the ball if you don’t swing” This should be a mantra from day one in T-ball through the last day of Mustang level – encourage kids to swing Run through the bag at 1st, not to the bag Hustle on EVERY batted ball
Mustang/Bronco Clinic
Preparation for Coaches
Rules & tips to understand & remind yourself every day Mustang baseball is still not “real” baseball Wins & losses are tracked, but every team makes the playoffs The umpires are kids – many who’ve never umped a game – cut them some slack Every player on your team needs you to instruct them Every player on your team WANTS you to instruct them Coaches need to be prepared for & have a plan for the following: 25% - 50% of the players cannot catch 25% - 50% of the players cannot throw accurately 25% - 50% of the players have never hit live pitching
Mustang / Bronco Tips & Tricks
Use simple verbal cues when practicing Ball hit left – move left. Ball hit right – move right Every fielder moves every play First move on a fly ball is back Put extra emphasis on the following Communication – use your “outside” voice (i.e. this is your chance to be loud & scream) Baseball is a game of failure – 3 hits out of ten is considered HOF worthy You can’t hit the ball if you don’t swing The umpire is ALWAYS right Incentives go a LONG way, but give them early in the season & give reminders along the way Double play = free ice cream Triple play = free B-dubs or Wings Etc. If you want to hit this practice, you need to really focus during defensive drills Batting order is determined by attitude and effort, not talent In the first half of the season, rotate players to all positions in the field & all spots in the batting order every game Great opportunity for players to get exposure at all positions & great opportunity for coaches to see what players should play each position for a successful playoff run
Running a Mustang/Bronco Practice & Game
Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals Pinkies together for a grounder Thumbs together for a popup Hit the cutoff Run thru first base, not to first base Hit the inside corner of the bag Listen to your base coaches Let your base coaches be your eyes Keep your eye on the ball Incentives go a LONG way, but give them early in the season & give reminders along the way Double play = free ice cream Team captain next game is best listener this game First batter next game is best hustler this game Rotate players to all positions in the field & all spots in the batting order every game Great opportunity for players to get equal chances to field & to learn importance of different spots in the lineup
Other Tips / Ideas Don’t put a player in a situation that increases their odds of failure For example: Mark has never thrown a strike, don’t put him on the mound in a close game Non-verbal cues reduce the noise and stress of a game Try and get every boy to try pitching in practice – you’d be surprised what you find & it helps reduce pressure/stress Show up at field an hour early, if not more
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