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“The only thing we have to fear is fear its self”-FDR

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1 “The only thing we have to fear is fear its self”-FDR
Fears “The only thing we have to fear is fear its self”-FDR

2 Can a person change and get over their fears
Can a person change and get over their fears? It may be a simple question, but one That can impact a persons life…

3 My 30 day challenge I wanted to give myself a challenge that I knew was not going to be easy. I wanted to get over my fears and see the changes that would come from getting over them a step at a time.

4 List of fears 1. The opening scene ( and song) to the movie The Lion King 2. Volcanoes 3. Talking to strangers 4. Rusty objects 5. Large Open spaces 6. Areas with large amounts of people 7. Public Bathrooms 8.Grates ( on the ground, and the ones at the bottoms of pools) 9.Going to new places ( with out knowing anything) 10.Eating in public 11. Speaking in public 12.Making new friends 13. Above ground piping 14.Walking in the dark 15. Sleeping in the dark

5 My Challenges…

6 Volcanoes With getting over this fear was one of the hardest, I had nightmares for weeks, just because I watch the movie Volcano, which started my whole fear….

7 Volcano Movie Trailer

8 Pipes This was a little harder to get over to, I'm not sure why, but I did get over it and I can walk past them, with out thinking something bad will happened.

9 This is the one fear that I could not get over…this simple little song
The Circle of Life This is the one fear that I could not get over…this simple little song

10 Down falls I am sad to say that I did not get over all of my fears, my top fear on the list still is on my mind, but I think with time that will be able to change, The lion king song still freaks me out, but hey I changed a lot in a month so I don’t mind.

11 Some of my fears were easy to get over, like sleeping in the dark, I found I slept better, I have made more friends by talking to people, I can know eat in public places and I don’t have to hide in my room every time I want to eat something, Also swimming is a lot more entertain in the deep end. And grates a pipes wont hurt me they are there for a reason, and that is not to trap me….

12 Out come My outcome was what I excepted it to be, in time I believe people can change and get over their fears, they might even become a better person because of it. This challenge has made me learn a lot about myself and the people around me.

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