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The Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan

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1 The Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan
CHAPTER 17 The Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan Section 1: Physical Geography Section 2: The Arabian Peninsula Section 3: Iraq Section 4: Iran and Afghanistan

2 Section 1 Physical Geography
Major physical features of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan The Arabian Peninsula—bordered by the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf The plain of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers (Mesopotamia) lies between these exotic rivers. Region of mountains and plateaus—Elburz Mountains, Kopet-Dag range, Hindu Kush, and the Zagros Mountains

3 Climates of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan
Section 1 Physical Geography Climates of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan Most of the region has a desert climate. There are parts of the region with steppe climates.

4 Section 1 Physical Geography
Important resources of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan Water resources include wadis and fossil water. Oil is the key mineral resource. Iran has other metal deposits.

5 Section 1: Physical Geography
Holt People, Places, and Change Section 1: Physical Geography Persian Gulf Red Sea Arabian Sea Tigris River Euphrates River Elburz Mts. Zagros Mts. Hindu Kush Rub’ al-Khali Arabian Peninsula X X X CHAPTER 20

6 Holt People, Places, and Change
Physical Map (p.377) The Zagros Mts. And Great Salt Desert make travel difficult in Iran. The highest mountains are the Hindu Kush and they are found in Afghanistan. CHAPTER 20

7 Holt People, Places, and Change
Main Idea What is the region's climate? The region’s climate is desert or steppe. CHAPTER 20

8 Holt People, Places, and Change
Main Ideas Mesopotamia was important in ancient times because it was a fertile and well watered area. CHAPTER 20

9 Holt People, Places, and Change
Vocabulary exotic rivers Rivers that begin in humid regions and then flow through dry areas wadis Dry streambeds in Southeast Asia fossil water Water that is not being replaced by rainfall CHAPTER 20

10 NO NOTE: Resource Map (p.381)
Holt People, Places, and Change NO NOTE: Resource Map (p.381) A tanker traveling from Abadan to Mediterranean ports would go southeast through the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Omen to the Arabian Sea, southwest to the Gulf of Aden, northwest through the Red Sea, and through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea. x CHAPTER 20

11 Holt People, Places, and Change
Why Study this region? The world’s first urban civilization, Sumer, developed in what is now Iraq. The mighty Persian Empire ruled the area later. These civilizations have left behind great works of art, architecture, and literature. This region contains most of the world’s known oil reserves. CHAPTER 20

12 Holt People, Places, and Change
Why Study? The U.S. military has been involved in the region. For example, U.S. personnel played a major role in Operation Desert Storm in This region is the cradle of Islam, and home to many of its followers. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the U.S. CHAPTER 20

13 Physical Geography of the Region
SECTION 1 Physical Geography Physical Geography of the Region Bodies of water Rivers Climate types Tigris Euphrates Mountains Persian Gulf Red Sea Arabian Sea Deserts desert steppe Elburz Kopet-Dag Zagros Hindu Kush Great Salt Rubal-Khali An Nafud

14 Objectives: Section 2 The Arabian Peninsula
What are Saudi Arabia’s history, government, and people like? What kinds of government and economy do the other countries of the Arabian Peninsula have?

15 Saudi Arabia Section 2 The Arabian Peninsula
History—created in 1932 by the Saud family; closely linked to Islam Government—a monarchy still ruled by the Saud family; most officials are members of the family; Islamic scholars influence policy People—ethnic Arabs; 85 percent Sunni; Islam is reflected in dress, treatment of women, and daily prayer schedules

16 Other countries of the Arabian Peninsula
Section 2 The Arabian Peninsula Other countries of the Arabian Peninsula Other countries of the Arabian Peninsula are predominantly Islamic and have varying wealth from oil reserves. All but Yemen are monarchies.

17 (continued) Other countries of the Arabian Peninsula
Section 2 The Arabian Peninsula (continued) Other countries of the Arabian Peninsula Kuwait—invaded by Iraq in 1990 Gulf War; rich in oil Bahrain and Qatar—Bahrain is a historic trade center; Qatar becoming more democratic The United Arab Emirates—led by emirs; foreign workers outnumber citizens Oman—attempting to create new industries besides oil Yemen—elected government suffers from corruption; poorest in the region

18 Key events in Iraq’s history include:
Section 3 Iraq Key events in Iraq’s history include: A.D. 600—Arabs conquer Mesopotamia, Islam spreads, Baghdad thrives (until 1258). 1500s—Mesopotamia becomes part of the Ottoman Empire. British take over during World War I; overthrown in the 1950s by the Iraqi army.

19 (continued) Key events in Iraq’s history include:
Section 3 Iraq (continued) Key events in Iraq’s history include: Ba’ath Party takes over in 1968 and Saddam Hussein becomes president in late 1970s. 1980—Iraq invades Iran; Iran-Iraq War is fought from 1980 to 1988. 1990—Iraq invades Kuwait, triggering Persian Gulf War.

20 Iraq’s government: Iraq’s economy: Section 3 Iraq
Was controlled by the Ba’ath Party and Saddam Hussein. had built a large army and secret police force. Iraq’s economy: was limited by trade embargoes since the two wars. also has mining, construction, and manufacturing industries.

21 Iraq’s population is: Section 3 Iraq 75 percent Arab nearly all Muslim
15-20 percent Kurds

22 Important events in Iran’s history include:
Section 4 Iran and Afghanistan Important events in Iran’s history include: 500s B.C.—The Persian Empire was centered in the region. 300s B.C.—Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire. A.D. 600s—Arabs invade and establish Islam. 1921—The Shah takes over and encourages reform; his son succeeds him in 1941.

23 Important events in Iran’s history include: (continued)
Section 4 Iran and Afghanistan Important events in Iran’s history include: (continued) 1979—The Shah is overthrown and Iranian Republic is formed; American hostages are taken with approval from the government. 1980–1988—Iran-Iraq War is fought.

24 The People and Government of Iran
Section 4 Iran and Afghanistan The People and Government of Iran Iran is a theocracy—it is ruled by religious leaders. The government has supported terrorism and the destruction of Israel. Possible democratic reforms have been developing since the late 1990s. The population is diverse, with ethnic Persians in the majority. The Shia branch of Islam is the official religion.

25 Problems in Afghanistan
Holt People, Places, and Change Section 4 Iran and Afghanistan Problems in Afghanistan Links to terrorism of September 11, 2001, placed Afghanistan at the center of the war on terror, led by the United States. Afghanistan has an interim government after the ousting of the Taliban. Years of war have hurt Afghanistan’s people, industry, trade, and transportation systems. CHAPTER 20



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