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Music Vikings And Where in the World? Autumn Lower KS2 Cycle B

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1 Music Vikings And Where in the World? Autumn Lower KS2 Cycle B
LITERACY Adventure stories and setting descriptions Diary entries Non-chronological report Instructions Poems with set structures e.g. Haikus ICT E – Safety Word processing skills, Topic research NUMERACY Place value Comparing and ordering numbers Mental and written methods of addition and subtraction, multiplication and division Using factors Data handling Different units of measurement Problem solving PE Invasion games Gymnastics RE Hinduism Christianity Vikings And Where in the World? As Artists and Designers we will Use techniques to cut, shape and strengthen sheet materials Focus on a famous artist Use different techniques e.g. collage, montage, tesselation As Geographers and Historians we will Use maps to locate some European countries from which the Vikings came and invaded Investigate the characteristics of Viking Life Discuss the Viking invasions Place events on a timeline Investigate different geographical areas e.g. Arctic Autumn Lower KS2 Cycle B As Scientists we will Understand the purpose of the skeleton To understand how muscles work and the importance of exercise Understand how animals adapt to their environment Music Rhythm Singing assembly - Thursday

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