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Ethnicity and language

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1 Ethnicity and language
Multiculturalism Ethnicity and language

2 Multiculturalism is a term used to describe societies where different cultures co-exist.
the Uk is a multicultural state where a diverse range of cultures, beliefs and identities live in a constant state of exchange.

3 The people the contemporary British have mixed roots derived from diverse settlement and immigration patterns over time. However, since assimilation and integration processes are not always successful, controversial questions continue be asked about the meaning of ‘Britishness’.

4 Early settlement to AD 1066 there is no accurate picture of what the early settlement of the present British Isles was actually like. However, from about 600 BC there was a movement of so- called Celtic tribes into the islands from Western Europe. the Celts were not a unified group, had at least two different languages and were divided in scattered tribes who often fought with one another.

5 Celtic civilizations were overcome by warring Belgic tribes around 200 BC.
the Belgian tribes were subjected to a series of Roman invasion from 55 BC. the eventual Roman military occupation of the island lasted from 43 AD until AD 409. the term Britain probably derives from Greek and Latin names given to England. Although the Romans did not mix with the existing population very much, some Christian practices spread throughout the island: political institutions were introduced, new agricultural methods.

6 Physical evidence of the Roman presence throughout much of England is undoubtable.
After the Roman withdrawal in 409 AD, Germanic tribes such as the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes from north- western Europe invaded the country. the latter was divided into 7 warring Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England, with largely Celtic areas in Wales and Scotland. the regions suffered from Scandinavian (Viking) military invasions.

7 Early English history was completed when the Anglo- Saxons were defeated by the French-Norman invaders at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and England was subjected to their rule. the Norman Conquest was watershed in English history and marked the last successful external military invasion of the country. it influenced the English people and their language and initiated many social and legal frameworks, such as a feudal system.

8 Immigration from 1900 Although immigrants historically had relatively free access to Britain, they could be easily expelled, having no legal rights to protect them. in the early twentieth century, Jews and Poles escaped persecution in Eastern Europe and settled in East End London. as a result of the 1930s world recession and Second World War, refugees first from the Nazi-occupied Europe and later from the Soviet bloc countries entered England. Commonwealth immigrants white and non white, both before and after the World War II continued to have relatively free access and were not treated as aliens.

9 People from India, Pakistan and Africa have traditionally made up the largest proportions of newcomers. Non-white communities have increased and work in a broad range of occupations. However some have experienced problems with low-paid jobs, educational disadvantage, unemployment, decaying housing in the inner cities, isolation, alienation and discrimination. 1962 Immigration Act to restrict the number of all immigrants entering the country.

10 Race Relations Acts since 1976 have made it unlawful to discriminate against individuals on ground such as race, ethnicity and national origins in areas like education, housing, employment, services.

11 English(es) In the UK there are at least 20 different varieties of English! English is also the world’s most successful modern language. ‘standard’ and ‘non-standard’ forms of English language. ‘Received - pronunciation’. Other indigenous British languages - Welsh, Scots and Gaelic. Non-English languages brought to Britain by immigrants and other groups, such as Chinese and West Indian.

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