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The Vikings 800 – 1000 CE.

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1 The Vikings 800 – 1000 CE

2 The Vikings in Britain

3 The Viking Invasion The Vikings invaded Europe and Britain between CE They were warriors and expert sailors from Norway, Sweden and Denmark. Due to overpopulation and poor lands, the Vikings violently attacked areas along the coasts.

4 The Canadian Connection
Around 1000, Leif Ericson led a group of Vikings to Newfoundland. In 911, the Vikings forced the Franks to surrender a part of northern France, which became known as Normandy.

5 The Vikings in Britain England was controlled for 3 centuries by the Jutes, Angles and Saxons who fought amongst themselves. Various groups struggled for power and the Danish king, Canute, eventually became king of England in 1016.

6 The Norman Conquest (1066) William the Conqueror (duke of Normandy) conquered England in the Battle of Hastings when the Saxon king, Harold, was killed. William became the first Norman king of England. Since 1066, the authority of all British monarchs can be trace back to him.

7 Medieval Europe: France
The western part of the Frankish empire, ruled by one of Charlemagne’s grandsons, became France. It did not have a strong ruler until Hugh Capet was elected king. His descendents would bring France under their control over the next the three centuries. The Capetian kings also made the crown a hereditary title to ward off any rivals.

8 Medieval Europe: Holy Roman Empire
In the eastern part of the old Frankish empire, Charlemagne’s heirs lost their power to the local dukes. They made Otto their king. He allied himself with the Church. He sent troops to defend Rome at the request of the pope. The pope named him “Holy Roman Emperor” in 962 in gratitude

9 Medieval Europe: Holy Roman Empire
Germany and most of Italy, now controlled by Otto, became known as the Holy Roman Empire. Few other Holy Roman Emperors could actually maintain control of both areas. The Holy Roman Empire was eventually split into hundreds of smaller states.

10 Texbook Questions on Saladin and Richard
Get a textbook and in groups of 2 do the following questions: Read pages Answer question 1-4 on page 276

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