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1 Expungements

2 General Guidelines for Expungement
KSA Generally, there are 3 different requirements for length of time to become eligible for expungement. 3 years 5 years Ineligible Depending on the level of offense, disposition of the case, and registration requirements, the date from which this period is calculated can differ.

3 General Guidelines for Expungement
To determine statutory eligibility, look at the disposition of the case. Petitions may be made after the appropriate amount of time has elapsed since the person: Satisfied the sentence imposed; or Was discharged from probation, a Comm. Correctional Program, parole, postrelease, conditional release, or a SIS KSA (a)

4 General Guidelines for Expungement
3 year requirement Traffic/Tobacco infractions Misdemeanors Class D/E felonies If crime committed on or after 7/1/1993 Any non-grid felony or felony ranked 6-10 If committed 7/1/93--7/1/12 Level 4 of drug grid If committed on or after 7/1/12 Any felony Level 5 of drug grid If diverted, may petition 3 years after successful termination date Last 2 are showing difference between old 4 and new Level 5. Both simple possessions

5 General Guidelines for Expungement
5 year requirement A, B, C felonies On or after 7/1/1993 Off-grid felonies, or levels 1-5 of the non-drug grid On or after 7/1/93 but before 7/1/12 Levels 1-3 of the drug grid On or after 7/1/12 Levels 1-4 of drug grid Additional miscellaneous charges DWS, Vehicular Homicide, Perjury, Felonies involving vehicles, Leaving the scene of an accident--KSA (c)(1)-(8) Again, same concept as before. After recodification, they created an additional level of distribution. Old level 4 is now a 5. Old level 3 is still basically a 3, and 4 is a lower weight.

6 DUI Expungements This has changed many times over the years
10 years, 7 years, 5 and 10 years, no expungements whatsoever Currently--KSA (d)(1)-(2) 5 years for 1st time DUI 10 years for 2nd or subsequent DUI House Bill 2085 As of 2017, the Legislature addressed the convoluted nature of DUI expungements Current statute applies to all violations committed on or after 7/1/06 Makes this retroactive TL;DR--No more cases of DUI not being expungeable whatsoever from 2006 on.

7 Expungements not allowed...EVER
No expungements are allowed for convictions of the following (including attempted crimes), KSA (e)(1)-(18): Rape Indecent Liberties/Agg Indecent Liberties/Criminal Sodomy Agg/Indecent solicitation of a child, Sexual exploitation of a child Agg Incest Agg/Child Endangerment, Abuse of a child, Capital murder, Murder 1st, Murder 2nd (pretty much any murder) Voluntary/Involuntary manslaughter Sexual battery if victim was less than 18, Agg Sexual Battery (no age req.) Commercial DUI, including diversions (which aren’t typically allowed) Any conviction prior to 7/1/11 that is comparable to any above

8 Findings Necessary for Expungement
KSA (h)(1)-(3): No felony conviction in past 2 years, and no pending felony currently circumstances/behavior warrant expungement Consistent with the public welfare Subject to Judicial Discretion. Review is abuse of discretion, so much deference is given to Trial courts regarding expungements--State v. Sandstrom, 2002, 44 P.3d 434, 273 Kan. 558. Case law has shown that some things court will consider are, subsequent criminal history, performance on probation, subsequent law enforcement contact, seriousness of the conviction, if there is a need to allow the public to be aware of that conviction.

9 Factors Considered by the Court
Prior and subsequent criminal history Falls under the behavior requirement Performance on probation/diversion/parole/etc Courts may consider this as it shows whether or not a person was serious regarding reformation. Also shows an indication of future behavior Reasons for wanting the conviction expunged Many times this is related to employment and housing Life changes made since the conviction Education, volunteer work, counseling/treatment, family involvement Seriousness of the offense for which expungement is sought Whether or not the Court feels comfortable about the public not having this knowledge, and if the Court feels this would endanger the public

10 Expungement and Registration
Registration offenses can affect a petitioner’s eligibility for expungement. KSA (f): Any offender required to register under KORA, cannot have any conviction or any part of the offender’s criminal history expunged during the registration period. Took effect in However, this wasn’t always the case. Previous cases involved pre-2012 registration offenses. Expungement subsequently wipe away the conviction. The Court found that this wiped away the requirement to register as there was no conviction to trigger KORA. But, expungements do not always mean that a person is treated the same as a person that was never convicted...

11 Expungements and Firearms
KSA (k)(2) Expungement of a prior felony does not relieve individual of complying with any state or federal law relating to use/shipment/transportation/receipt/possession of a firearm. Kansas statute addresses expungement in KSA (a)(3)(A) However, other States or Federal law might have provisions regarding restrictions on firearms for those that were convicted of a felony.

12 Criminal History in Subsequent Cases
Upon successful petition, a person is treated as not having been convicted of the crime. However, that prior conviction can still be used for various reasons. Prior convictions can be used to calculate criminal history scores Expunged convictions must be disclosed during the application process for various law enforcement, firearms and investigatory jobs Any application for admission or reinstatement to the Bar Kansas Lottery employment Racing and Gaming employment Conceal carry permit Applications for Commercial DL’s If prior conviction is an element of a subsequent offense, disclosure is allowed The Court, in the order, may specify when disclosure is allowed Last one: Many times we will ask for this in ID Theft, ID Fraud, Embezzlement cases so that the victim can disclose it to the IRS to alleviate tax issues. Also, Judges will sometimes do this for convictions that are sexual in nature (lewd and lascivious is a common example). They will order that the defendant must disclose it if they are going to apply for jobs working with children or more vulnerable segments of the population.

13 Expungement Recap Identify the conviction and severity level
Calculate length of time since they satisfied their sentence/probation/diversion/postrelease/SIS Ensure they have no pending felonies or felony convictions within the past 2 years and that expungement is allowed for this offense Check for any issues on bond, probation, parole, or postrelease that would weigh negatively against them during expungement Gather information regarding steps taken since the offense and efforts at reformation

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