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Structure of Industry Budgets

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1 Structure of Industry Budgets
Suzan Bruce, CPC Coverage Analysis Coder Clinical Trials Office, CTSC

2 Components of a clinical trial budget:
Start up costs Close out Costs Invoiceable Costs Per Patient Costs Budget Summary

3 Budget Template CTO Webpage:

4 Build Shell UBT Build UBT Shell CPT Codes CRC/PI Time Start Ups
Billing codes for study account “Other” costs Cost estimates from other depts. IDS Dispense Fee Radiology –Lab- Build UBT Shell Per SOP #8 the UBT is required for all industry sponsored studies We build a UBT so we can determine internal costs for the study The UBT includes study specific activities like start up costs and invoiceables as well as per patient activities The protocol may require procedures that need to be provided by other hospital or clinic depts. To build the UBT: Who, what, where, when, how, services are provided so I can budget for the activities in the protocol. Are these activities billable CPT codes? Or are the activities budgeted in time for the CRC and PI Start with asking the dept questions about the Procedures. Their answers determine whether or not there are billable services to the study Will there be “other” costs Will the study need billable services from other departments? Radiology? Lab? Gather CPT codes to look up research costs Do I need to request cost estimates from other department’s? IDS, CCRC, clinical engineering? CRC/PI Time Start Ups Start Up, Close Out, Invoiceables Time on SOE activities Difficulties: Takes time to work out and track details with dept. Tips: Use Budget Feasibility form to track detailed information

5 Start Up Costs

6 Start-up Costs Start-up fees should always be non-refundable
Study invoiceables=start up, study specific invoiceables. I have a list of fees we charge for start ups, annual fees, and invoiceable fees. In order to calculate the fees, we ask the CRC and study personnel specific questions about the invoiceables How much PI, CRC, time? Time costs are based on Research personnel salaries Template is on the CTO Webpage

7 TOOL: Develop List of Start Up Fees

8 Per Patient Costs

9 Procedures CPT Codes Other Costs CRC Time PI Time TOTALS Per Patient Costs Page lists costs per patient, per visit Procedures Other Costs like IDS, Stipend Study Activities include CRC time x salary PI Activities include PI time x salary Salary Calculator -links all salary costs throughout the budget

10 Sample UBT CPT Codes Procedures CPT Codes Turn to the Per Patient Cost page To determine costs for study procedures I will ask the CRC specific questions Examples of questions I ask: Where are the visits? (In research space ?in clinic space?=billable CPT code) Who is taking blood? (If hospital’s lab=billable CPT code. If CRC=CRC time) Is sponsor providing equipment for study (EKG)?=If sponsor provides=no billable CPT code. If using dept EKG=billable CPT code List Procedures and their costs by department Use Cost Query Tool to find costs

11 Find Research Costs Cost Query Tool on CTO Webpage Search by: CPT code
EPIC Procedure Code Procedure Name Cost Center Name

12 Find research costs on CTSC Webpage

13 Search tool Search costs CPT Code
Search for costs within your department or other departments using the cost query tool Many different ways to search

14 “Other” Costs

15 List Other Costs Per Visit
List “other” costs by visit

16 Costs CRC and PI Time

17 CRC/PI Time Time Costs Totals Section total
List protocol required activities from the schedule of events. Ask CRC/PI how much time is needed for services at each visit Total the time for each activity = costs Totals

18 Unified Budget Template (UBT) Summary Shows internal cost assuming full enrollment of patients completing entire study Enter Budget Totals

19 Prepare Budget for Sponsor
Review Sponsor Budget Excel spreadsheet sponsor sends Review Clinical Trial Agreement Compare with internal costs UBT Sponsor’s payment terms Prepare Budget for Sponsor Prepare to negotiate Review sponsor’s budget in excel spreadsheet Review Clinical Trial Agreement Terms Compare sponsor’s budget with internal costs After comparison enter amounts you want to negotiate into the sponsor’s budget spreadsheet Invoiceables Start up Estimator Use estimator as a guide List specific invoiceable items Difficulties: Takes time to work out and track details with dept. Tips: Use Budget Feasibility form to track detailed information

20 Compare Internal UCD Costs VS Sponsor’s Budget

21 Compare Costs UBT vs Sponsor Budget
Internal Budget (UBT) Here you are comparing the sponsor’s budget with the internal budget You are reviewing the sponsor’s initial budget offer and comparing to the UBT (internal budget) If internal budget amounts are more than sponsor’s budget update sponsor’s budget to begin negotiations Tips: Create a space on UBT to add sponsor’s budget totals. Compare invoiceable and per patient totals to analyze internal costs and sponsor’s budget. Sponsor Budget Total Internal Per pt Total

22 Negotiate Costs Using Sponsor’s Budget

23 Sponsor Negotiation Use sponsor’s budget to enter amts you want to negotiate Use sponsor’s budget to enter amts you want to negotiate Use the sponsor’s budget to negotiate with the sponsor Use it to enter the amounts you want to negotiate Sponsor reviews our initial budget offer and begins negotiations We do not send the sponsor our internal costs We aren’t afraid to ask sponsor to pay our the UCD chargemaster rates. Use them as a starting point if you aren’t sure what to charge Difficulties: Managing multiple communications Tips: Track all communications using electronic tools (excel, Microsoft Project, calendar, etc.)

24 Add Sponsor Amounts Negotiated

25 Add Sponsor’s Budget to UBT
Here you are comparing what we are being paid vs the sponsor’s rates you are negotiating Compare the UBT and sponsor amounts and see if you are gaining or losing money for the study Compare

26 Total All Budget Amounts- Submit totals to Contracts Office

27 Finalize amount for contract packet
Ensure all numbers in the UBT and contract documents are accurate and match Enter final budget amounts into the contract documents This creates a dollar amount for the Contract Office to open the study account Sponsor Budget Internal Budget (UBT)

28 Julie Calahan Budget Analyst Contracts Office Budget In Service Training

29 Questions???

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