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Comparison of sampling methods

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1 Comparison of sampling methods
Ecosystem and landscape management PD Dr. Udo Bröring By: Indrit Selmani Summer Semester 2016 28/06/2016

2 Table of contents Introduction Sweep-net sampling D-vac sampling WPBS
Results Conclusion References

3 Introduction The reason for comparison between sampling methods
Sweep-net sampling D-vac Samples WPBS (Whole-plant-bag sampling)

4 Sweep-net Sampling The sweep-net Technique Storing Sampling location
Figure 1: A single stroke with a sweep-net

5 D-vac sampling What is D-vac? Technique Storing Sampling location
Figure 2: D-vac usage in the field Figure 3: D-vac dimensions and full-out drawing

6 WPBS Description of the bag Technique of the whole-plant-bag sampling
Sampling location Figure 4: Berlese funnel

7 Results Influence of nature upon sampling methods
Efficiency between samples Reference: Byerly et al - A comparison of sampling methods for some arthropod population in cotton

8 Conclusion Every sampling method has its pros and its cons
Every sampling method has its own preferable location, time and storing method The field has to be taken into consideration before sampling Some sampling methods can be more efficient then others depending on the field

9 References: Byerly et al - A comparison of sampling methods for some arthropod population in cotton

10 Image sources: Table 1: Byerly et al - A comparison of sampling methods for some arthropod population in cotton Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4:

11 Thank you for your attention! Questions?

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