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Chapter 4 – Kinetics of Systems of Particles

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1 Chapter 4 – Kinetics of Systems of Particles

2 Section 4.1 – Introduction
We have primarily only discussed the kinetics of a single particle. We wish to extend this analysis to describe the motion of a general system of particles. This will unify the remaining topics of dynamics and permit us to treat the motion of rigid bodies, and fluids. A Rigid Body is a solid system of particles wherein the distances between the particles remains unchanged.

3 Section 4.2 – Generalized Newton’s 2nd Law
We must generalize the Equation of Motion to describe a mass system which we will model by n mass particles bounded by a closed surface in space. The System under investigation is the mass within the boundary. This mass must be clearly defined and isolated.

4 There are two types of forces acting on each of the n particles in isolation:
External Forces: due to sources external to the boundary such as contact forces with external bodies, external gravitational, electric, magnetic, … Internal Forces: due to sources internal to the system boundary. These are due to the interaction of the masses within the system with one another.

5 Consider a general system of particles:
Where G is the Centre of Mass of the isolated system of particles. Let us further consider a representative particle i of mass mi within the system.

6 The forces acting on the isolated particle are:
The ith particle is located by the position vector ri from the origin of an inertial frame. The location of the centre of mass is given by r

7 We apply the Equation of Motion to the isolated ith particle:
And for the entire system of particles:

8 Notes: represents the acceleration of the instantaneous position of the centre of mass of the system of particles. For a non-rigid body this acceleration does not necessarily represent the actual acceleration of any of the individual mass particles that make up the system. Although F =ma requires the acceleration to be in the same direction as F, it does not require that F actually passes through G! In general, F does not pass through G  rotation of the system of particles about G in addition to the translation of G.

9 Section 4.4 Impulse & Momentum
Linear Momentum The Linear Momentum of the ith particle is: The Linear Momentum of the Entire System is:

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