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Analysis of Financial Statements

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1 Analysis of Financial Statements

2 What is Financial Statement Analysis:
Financial Statements Analysis is an Analysis of the Following Statements: Income Statement Balance Sheet Statement of Owners Equity and Statement of Cash Flow

3 Financial statement analysis helps users make better decisions.
Purpose of Analysis Internal Users External Users Shareholders Lenders Customers Managers Officers

4 Financial Statements Are Designed for Analysis

5 Dollar & Percentage Changes Component Percentages
Tools of Analysis: Dollar & Percentage Changes Trend Percentages Component Percentages Ratios

6 Dollar and Percentage Changes or Horizontal Analysis
Dollar Change: Analysis Period Amount Base Period Dollar Change = Percentage Change: % ÷ Base Period Amount Percent Change = Dollar Change

7 Dollar and Percentage Changes or Horizontal Analysis

8 Dollar and Percentage Changes or Horizontal Analysis
$12,000 – $23,500 = $(11,500) ($11,500 ÷ $23,500) × 100% = 48.94%

9 Dollar and Percentage Changes or
Horizontal Analysis

10 Analysis Period Amount
Trend Analysis Trend analysis is used to reveal patterns in data covering successive periods. Trend Percent Analysis Period Amount Base Period Amount 100% = ×

11 Trend Analysis ABC Inc. Income Information
For the Years Ended December 31, 2001 is the base period so its amounts will equal 100%.

12 Component or Common Size Percentages or Vertical Analysis
Examine the relative size of each item in the financial statements by computing component (or common-sized) percentages. Component Percent 100% Analysis Amount Base Amount = × Financial Statement Base Amount Balance Sheet Total Assets Income Statement Revenues

13 Component or Common Size Balance Sheet
($12,000 ÷ $315,000) × 100% = 3.8% ($23,500 ÷ $289,700) × 100% = 8.1%

14 Component or Common Size Balance Sheet

15 Component or Common Size Balance Sheet

16 Component or Common Size Income Statement

17 Ratios

18 Investment valuation Ratio
Types of Ratio: Income Profitability Liquidity Coverage Leverage Investment valuation Ratio

19 Income Ratio: Gross Margin on Net Sales
Operating Income to Net Sales Ratio

20 Profitability Ratio: Net Profit Ratios ROA ROE

21 Receivables Turnover- Sales / accounts receivable
Liquidity Ratios: Working Capital Current Ratio Quick Ratio Inventory Turnover- COGS / average inventory Receivables Turnover- Sales / accounts receivable

22 Leverage (Capitalization) Ratios: Debt Ratio Debt Equity Ratio

23 Coverage Ratio: Time Interest Earned Ratio

24 Investment Valuation Ratio
EPS Price Earning Ratio Investment Valuation Ratio

25 The Du Pont system Also can be expressed as:
ROE = (NI/Sales) x (Sales/TA) x (TA/Equity) Focuses on: Expense control (PM) Asset utilization (TATO) Debt utilization (Eq. Mult.) Shows how these factors combine to determine ROE.

26 Thanks End Of Presentation:

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