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Employee Skills Management

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1 Employee Skills Management
from It’s Your Skills

2 IT’S YOUR SKILLS It’s Your Skills (IYS) is a young, small HR Tech venture offering the world a unique approach to development, recruitment and management of talent at the individual, organization and government levels

3 HR CHALLENGES Inefficiency in recruitment Inability to quantify
individual skills Deficiency of necessary skills Inability to analyse skills gaps efficiently Poor management of individual skills and skills across the organization Less RoI from talent development

4 SOLUTION Organized skills data of individuals and organization
Complete coverage of functional and behavioural skills Detailed source of skills data Simple mapping of skills Standard template for all Datafying the skills This can be achieved through our Skills Ontology

5 organized and in-depth resource on skills
SKILLS ONTOLOGY The Skills Ontology from It’s Your Skills is an organized and in-depth resource on skills across functions and industries and includes classifications, relationships and properties

6 SKILLS PROFILER A unique interface for mapping skills. The Skills Profiler uses the Skills Ontology for selecting and rating skills based on the search context. The Skills Profile is used as the standard template for creating Individual Skills Profiles and Job Skills Profiles to replace Resumes and Job Descriptions.

7 Business’ needs on skills
Significant improvement in HR’s fulfilment of the Business’ needs on skills THE RESULT

8 the Skills Profiler to create a Skills
EMPLOYEE SKILLS MANAGEMENT (ESM) ESM enables better Skills Analytics, Skills Gap Analysis and a mechanism for development of skills in the organization The ESM application uses the Skills Profiler to create a Skills Inventory of the organization ESM can be used across the organization by employees, line managers and people in leadership ESM gives a snapshot of the Skills Inventory of the organization at any point of time

9 Employee can explore opportunities internally and apply for them
EMPLOYEE USE CASES Employees can identify skills that they need to develop to better perform their job and move to the next level Employee can explore opportunities internally and apply for them

10 LINE MANAGER USE CASES Give skill-specific feedback to employees Easily enable HR to understand the requirements of their unit Effectively plan for skills that are needed in the future

11 LEADERSHIP USE CASES Improve the RoI on training and development
Plan effective careers for employees Find skills that the organization lacks for better business performance

Skills mapping of jobs Skills mapping of employees Skills level gaps at employee and organization levels Identifying internal resources for jobs Analysis of skills at unit and organization levels Resource allocation and management

13 Managers can map skills to jobs and assign them to positions/roles.
SKILLS MAPPING OF JOBS Managers can map skills to jobs and assign them to positions/roles. This is called a Jobs Skills Profile.

Employees can create their profiles based on the Job Skills Profile that is assigned to them.

15 Create Job Skills Profiles
IDENTIFYING INTERNAL RESOURCES FOR JOBS Create Job Skills Profiles for a requirement and find the best fitting resource inside the organization

Identify Skills Gaps of employees compared to a Job Skills Profile to evaluate an employee or develop learning plans

Identify Skills Gaps across the organization with the number of employees associated with each skill and their proficiency levels

18 SKILLS GAP ANALYTICS Use custom filters to generate reports based on skills against employee information. This is done by effectively datafying the skills of the organization.

19 The ready resource on skills IYS’ Skills Ontology
UNIQUE DIFFERENTIATOR The ready resource on skills IYS’ Skills Ontology Skills across all functions Applies to all levels of employees Dynamic, constantly updated Functional and behavioral skills Exhaustive library of skills Proficiency levels tailored to skills

20 Bundled with Best Practices
MOST PRACTICAL No frills Simple Lightweight Practical Easy to Use Highly Economical Hosted on cloud Very low per-employee pricing Accessible any time, anywhere No hardware, software purchase needed Getting started is just a day’s work Bundled with Best Practices

21 Do contact us any time at
THANK YOU! Do contact us any time at Call us at Let us work together We’d love to hear from you!

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