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1 Deadlock

2 Reading W. Dally, C. Seitz, “ Deadlock-Free Message Routing on Multiprocessor Interconnection Networks,”, IEEE TC, May 1987 F. Silla, and J. Duato, “Improving the Efficiency of Adaptive Routing in Networks with Irregular Topology,” HIPC 1997 J. Duato “A New Theory of Deadlock-Free Adaptive Routing in Wormhole Networks,” IEEE TPDS, December 1993 Chapter 3 of Duato, Yalamanchili and Ni ----- Meeting Notes (2/20/12 17:54) ----- b

3 Overview: The Problem Guaranteeing message delivery
Fundamentally an issue of finite resources (buffers) and the manner in which they are allocated How are distributed structural hazards handled? Waiting for resources can lead to Deadlock: configuration of messages that cannot make progress Livelock: messages that never reach the destination Starvation: messages that never received requested resources Even though the requested resource does periodically become available

4 Ensuring Packet Delivery
Deadlock Prevention Avoidance Recovery Livelock Minimal paths Restricted non-minimal paths Probabilistic Starvation Resource allocation

5 Focus We are primarily concerned with deadlock
Starvation is addressed via “fair” sharing Livelock is addressed (at the moment) by constraining messages to minimal paths Relationship between resources, traffic and conditions Some conditions can produce others Deadlocked configuration  livelock for other messages

6 Deadlocked Configuration of Messages
Routing in a 2D mesh What can we infer from this figure? Routing Dependencies or Wait-for relationships

7 Some Definitions Routing function – R – delivers a set of channels
Memoryless, coherent, and connected Note we define the domain as Selection function – picks a channel Determines performance properties

8 Router and Network Model
si ci di Blocked packets wait for first available channel Fair access to channel bandwidth Arbitrary topology Fair access to routing and arbitration unit Edge buffers Theory can be extended to central buffers (we will not) Wait for any channel in a set For wormhole routing, allocated channel must be empty See Appendix A for detailed list of assumptions Consumption Assumption

9 Concepts and Definitions
No assumptions about the paths delivered by R Expect that minimal paths are always included in R Coherent routing function If a routing function supplies a path, it also supplies all sub-paths of the path Configuration Assignment of packets to a set of queues/buffers Connected routing function S D Channels delivered by a routing function

10 Message Configurations
Canonical message configurations All messages deadlocked Legal, and reachable message configurations A legal configuration must be possible with the routing function E.g., non-minimal paths Since routing functions are memoryless, all legal configurations are reachable A configuration that corresponds to packets following non-minimal paths cannot be legal for a routing function that supplies minimal paths. If every legal configuration is reachable then we a routing function is deadlock free if there are no deadlocked configurations amoungst all reachable configurations.

11 Deadlock A canonical, deadlocked, reachable, legal configuration is one which no message can advance SAF and VCT All packets are in transit All adjacent buffers are full Wormhole Messages are in transit Header flits and data flits cannot advance since all adjacent buffers are full Framework for proving deadlock freedom

12 Channel Dependencies SAF & VCT dependency dependency Header flit Data flit Wormhole dependency Talk about waiting for sets of channels vs. a single channel – the selection function. The point is that you can wait on all channels. When a packet holds a channel and requests another channel, there is a direct dependency between them Channel dependency graph D = G(C,E) For deterministic routing: single dependency at each node For adaptive routing: all requested channels produce dependencies, and dependency graph may contain cycles

13 Some Observations Deadlock is not synonymous with the occurrence of cyclic dependencies Note the goal of guaranteeing message delivery Are there exits from cycles? The set of dependencies that actually occur (wait-for) are a subset of the statically determined dependencies that can occur as determined by the routing function

14 Breaking Cycles in Rings/Torii
The configuration to the left can deadlock Add (virtual) channels We can make the channel dependency graph acyclic via routing restrictions (via the routing function) Routing function is c0i when j<i, c1i when j >i

15 Breaking Cycles in Rings/Torii (cont.)
Channels c00 and c13 are unused Routing function breaks cycles in the channel dependency graph

16 Extension to Adaptive Routing
c10 c00 c10 Cyclic dependency? n0 n1 c00 c01 c11 c03 c03 c11 c01 c12 n3 n2 c02 c02 Note the acyclic subgraph Routing function: is c0i and c1i when j >i How can we formalize this? c12 Additional dependencies due to adaptive routing

17 Key Idea Informally: The deterministic routing sub-function is used to provide an escape path for an adaptive routing protocol Packets are guaranteed to escape cyclic dependencies Formally the escape path is defined by a connected routing sub-function defined over a subset of channels Routing sub-function supplies only escape channels In practice, this concept only used as a proof mechanism R1(x,y) R(x,y) for all x, y and C1 is the set of channels supplied by R1

18 Theorems Theorem: A connected routing function R for an interconnection network I is deadlock free iff there exists a routing sub-function R1 that is connected and has no cycles in its extended channel dependency graph Holds for both adaptive and deterministic routing functions In the case of the latter, R = R1 and the extended channel dependency graph = channel dependency graph Dally & Seitz 1987 for deterministic routing Duato 1996 for adaptive routing

19 Properties Use of escape channels by a message is not unidirectional
If a message enters the escape network it can move back to the adaptive network Do not need to wait on a specific channel Can wait on any channel including escape channels - the latter guaranteed to show up eventually if allocation is fair Application: start with a deterministic routing function and add channels to be used for adaptive routing Additional restriction required for wormhole (coherent) while this holds for SAF and VCTs

20 Robustness of the Model
No assumptions are made about paths At least one minimal path is necessary for performance The use of NxN routing functions are practical What are the alternatives? No assumptions about packet generation rate, packet length and destinations (other than connectivity) For wormhole, only one message can occupy a buffer Buffers at both ends are single buffer Thus head flits always block occupying the head of the queue head flit Cannot access escape channels

21 Revisit Some Properties
Canonical legal configuration Which legal configurations are reachable from an empty network for a given routing function? What is the importance of a legal configuration? Can model a legal configuration as one that occurred by packet injection at the blocked node (VCT/SAF) or the packet with the tail node (wormhole)

22 Deadlock Avoidance in SAF &VCT Networks
cH0 direct dependency cH0 n0 n1 direct cross dependency cA0 cA3 cA1 escape channel for n0 cH1 cA3 cA1 cH1 cA2 cA2 n3 n2 cH2 cH2 Direct cross dependency Routing sub-function R1 is cAi when j<i, cHi when j >i A closer look at escape channel dependencies cA1 is an escape channel for n0 but not n3 cH2 is an escape channel for n3 Extended channel dependency graph must be acyclic

23 Deadlock Avoidance in SAF &VCT Networks
direct dependency cH0 direct cross dependency n0 n1 Deterministic network for n0 cA0 escape channel for n0 cA3 cA1 cH1 cA1 cA2 cA3 cA2 n3 n2 cH2 Direct cross dependency cH0 cH1 cH2 Deterministic network for n3 Routing sub-function R1 is cAi when j<i, cHi when j>i Routing function: is cAi and cHi when j >i

24 Example: Constructing Deadlock Free Routing Algorithms
Channels returned by R Channels returned by R1 c c Deterministic Network Adaptive Network

25 Example: Constructing Deadlock Free Routing Algorithms
Extra virtual channel in the north direction R is deadlock free if R1 is deadlock free Making the North-last algorithm fully adaptive Add an extra adaptive channel in the North Direction The extra channel has no turn restrictions N1, E, S, and W implement North-Last

26 Some More Observations
Can have one escape network for all packets or multiple escape networks Construct dependency graph on escape channels Deadlock freedom: no cycles in the extended channel dependency graph of R1 Must consider all direct and indirect dependencies There still remain dependencies we have not yet considered!

27 Indirect Channel Dependencies
Network ci ck request Direct and indirect dependencies between escape channels Channel ci is an escape channel for some destination Now we can focus all of our attention on the escape channels Add other channels for adaptive routing Define the extended channel dependency graph for escape channels Capture the use of all channels  for adaptive routing

28 Deadlock Avoidance in Wormhole Networks
cA0 cH1 cB0 cB1 cH0 cA1 n0 n1 n2 n5 n4 n3 indirect dependency Routing function R is cAi or cBi cHi when j >I Routing sub-function R1 is cAi when j<i, cHi when j >i Note the addition of indirect dependencies for Wormhole switching Cross and direct dependencies between escape channels transmitted through adaptive channels

29 Deadlock Avoidance in Wormhole Networks (cont.)
cA0 cH1 cB0 cB1 cH0 cA1 n0 n1 n2 n5 n4 n3 indirect cross dependency Routing function R is cAi or cBi cHi when j >I Routing sub-function R1 is cAi when j<i, cHi when j >i Note the addition of indirect dependencies for Wormhole switching Cross and direct dependencies between escape channels transmitted through adaptive channels

30 Deadlock Avoidance in Wormhole Networks (cont.)
direct dependency cH0 n0 n1 cH0 direct cross dependency indirect dependency cA0 cA3 cH1 cA1 cA3 cH1 cA2 n3 n2 cA1 cH2 cA2 cH2 Routing function: is cAi and cHi when j >i Routing sub-function R1 is cAi when j<i, cHi when j >i

31 Example: Fully Adaptive Routing
Adaptive channel supplied by R S Deterministic channel supplied by R1 D Each physical channel has a fully adaptive channel a, and DOR channel b Look at the channels supplied by R at node S

32 Extensions to Irregular Networks
7 3 4 1 2 6 5 Create an appropriate routing sub-function Example: Identify a distinguished node and construct a spanning tree Label each channel as up/down depending on proximity of end points to root (break ties with unique node number) Routing restriction: a valid path traverses zero or more links in the up direction followed by zero or more links in the down direction How does this avoid cycles? Note the absence of virtual channels!

33 Review The extended channel dependency graph must capture all dependencies Direct and indirect cross dependencies For wormhole switching routing function must be coherent, otherwise the preceding theorem provides only a sufficient condition Complete the list of dependencies accommodated by the theorem

34 Extensions: Channel Classes
Y1+ channel Class 1 2 Y0+ 3 4 5 X0+ X1+ X0- X1- Y0- 6 7 8 Y1- Create equivalence classes of channels For example, with no intra-class dependencies If the extended class dependency graph is acyclic, routing is deadlock free (sufficient condition)

35 Extensions Extending the domain of the routing function
Including source, channel, or history information Extension to central buffers Channels are really queues Associate routing functions with central queues and use queue dependencies to analyze deadlocks Domain of the routing function may be or NxN or QxN Example 2-D mesh: four queues/node, one corresponding to each direction in each dimension. Queue dependency graph is acyclic Mixed resource types (edge buffers and central queues) utilizes similar analysis techniques  the extended resource dependency graph

36 Summarize Solution Philosophies
Defined permitted dependencies (prevention) Correct by construction (acyclic) Minimal routing freedom Weaken the preceding requirement (avoidance) Ensure cycles cannot lead to deadlock Improve routing freedom Some creative avoidance techniques based on the theory (next) Detect and recover (Next) Predicated on unlikelihood of occurrence Maximal routing freedom

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