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Agile Fundamentals Logo Here.

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Presentation on theme: "Agile Fundamentals Logo Here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agile Fundamentals Logo Here

2 Course Agenda Day 1 Introductions Day 2 Next

3 Introductions Trainer Introductions Befriend Each Other Trainer #1 Bio
Name and Role Any Experience of Agile What your looking for from the Course

4 Your Learning Outcomes
Understand what is Agile Understand the benefits of Agile Understand how Agile works Be able to help others with Agile Have fun :)

5 Student Learning Objectives
Split into teams Create KanBan board Create your own backlog of the LO’s as PostIts

6 “Agile” never existed If the word what would you use instead?
Group Exercise If you had word Agile never existed what word would you use instead? They do this in silence. Then every states their word and why? One by One. Then explain to them that Agile is not….. Not a methodology alone Not a process Not a method of change alone Not a manifesto Not a project delivery approach Not the opposite of Waterfall Not an SDLC Not a communications method Agile is a Mindset and here is how it looks…..

7 Agile Mindset Explain the Agile Mindset
What about it is different from Command and Control aka Fixed Mindset Why we need it (happier people make more money) Learning is the key Establishing the Agile mindset Understanding the Agile mindset

8 Explain the Agile Mindset
COMMAND & CONTROL AGILE Explain the Agile Mindset What about it is different from Command and Control aka Fixed Mindset Why we need it (happier people make more money) Learning is the key Establishing the Agile mindset Understanding the Agile mindset

9 Why Be Agile? Things we Love & Money come from:
Happiness, Revenue, Cost Reduction and Cost Avoidance come from: Increased Productivity comes from: Innovation comes from: Safety and Experimentation comes from: The Agile Mindset traits of: When I fail I learn. Servant Leadership enables everything Innovation Empowerment Purpose of creating Value Quality Increase Adapting to Change Fast

10 Mindset Differences Theory X v Theory Y people
Fixed v Agile Mindset examples Process v Adaptive Mindset underpinned by the Values and Principles of the Manifesto.

11 Mindset Approach Iron Triangle with a C&C Mindset vs Agile Mindset
Show and talk through the Iron Triangles

12 Agile Iron Triangle with a C&C Mindset vs Agile Mindset
Show and talk through the Iron Triangles Agile Onion by AWA, Simon Powers

13 Agile History Creation of the Manifesto and Principles
Ideals were around before the Manifesto Moving through the delivery models to Agile today

14 Values List and explain them
Product Product Product Values List and explain them Explain to them that the bottom paragraph states that all of these are values but prioritises them. Thus eliminating several anti-Agile Myths in one go. EXERCISE: Ask each table to select the Value that they like the most to then in 5 mins explain to the group why they think this is the most important value? Explain the paragraph above the values them and below are actually more significant than the Values themselves Unchanged Since 2001 Source:

15 Agile Manifesto: Principles
Principles List Put key words in Bold Customer is King

16 Mindset Manifestation

17 Not Only Software Examples of where Agile is not just about software (the Mindset has evolved): Hardware Marketing Product Business

18 Value: Products over Projects
What is value? We want to create sustainable value. Why Projects are not valuable or sustainable, PMI definition. Why Products are value focused

19 Agile How? Introduce the learner to team or organizational development models, so that beginners can see where they are limited and experts can understand their colleagues' limits in applying these ideas. Creating Shared Understanding Developing soft skills The Agile Umbrella – List: Scrum, XP, KanBan, Lean

20 Ways of Working

21 Modern Agile by Joshua Kerievsky

22 Lean Team Princples

23 Scrum What is Scrum Why is Agile – link to Manifesto & Mindset
Show Scrum Process Show Scrum Roles

24 Product Owner Detail who and what the PO does
Product Backlog == To Do List What the PO cannot do == assign work PO Should be: Available Knowledgeable Empowered Collaborative Grow

25 Scrum Master Detail who and what the Scrum Master is
Scrum == Framework What the SM cannot do == prioritise work SM Should be: Available Knowledgeable Servant Leader Collaborative Grow

26 Scrum Team Detail who and what a Scrum Team is Sprint Backlog == WIP
What the Team cannot do == prioritise work Team Should be: Cross-Functional Knowledgeable Empowered Collaborative Grow

27 Communication Barriers
Barriers to Collaboration Location Empowerment Face-Face Too few/many people

28 Collaboration Solutions
Co-Located - Physical work environments Conversations with the whole team Sharing knowledge Collaboration techniques Techniques for shared understanding

29 Self-Organising Shifts in Roles self-managing

30 Incremental Delivery Not the same a iterative Vertical Slices MVP
Outcome based over effort/task allocation



33 Value Based Work Detailing Incremental Value INVEST Outcomes

34 Continuous Quality Inspect and Adapt Iterative Retrospectives
Technical Excellence TDD

35 Limiting WIP How WIP affects feedback loops
Delivery impacted with too much WIP Limiting WIP

36 Continuous Integration
What is CI? Benefits of CI Integrate Continuously

37 Continuous Delivery Difference between CI and CD
Broad Business value that CD brings

38 Frequent delivery Costs & Benefits Challenges involved
User and Customer involvement

39 Role of the Customer The Customers Role Sponsor Buyer User

40 Product Slicing Adapting the Product Prioritising the Product

41 Agile Planning When is it done? All the time
By whom? Product Owner and the Team Daily Planning Release Planning Adaptive Planning over Project Planning

42 Agile Planning Onion

43 Cone of Uncertainty Show the Agile Cone vs Waterfall Cone and talk though it Show where Waterfall makes assumptions too early without proof and thus has to do it again or is late Show how Inspect and Adapt reduces Uncertainty to obtain success

44 User Feedback Loop Why need fast feedback How we get fast feedback

45 User Involvement Why do we need it? During Iterations
Confirming Value at the end

46 Agile Estimation Why we still need estimates?
Relative v Metric (the humans are the problem) CFD and estimates

47 Agile Retrospectives Inspect and Adapt
Can be very Boring – Needs engaging people! Actions need to progress

48 Process Adaptation Why Process can change
Scrum good for formal start-ups KanBan good for Portfolio Management XP good for technical excellence in software deliveries

49 Product Vision Elevator Pitch! For: (target Customers)
Who: (statement of need) The (product) is a (product type) That (state the value) Unlike (alternative options) Our Product (is game change why?)

50 Product Backlog A prioritized list of all user stories that could be delivered New items can be added at any time to the Product Backlog and by anyone. Items are owned and prioritized by Product Owner and (stake holders) with input from anyone Team (Delivery Team) estimates items in Product Backlog relative to each other using predetermined scale (points or Ideal days). Estimates != Contract Promises


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