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Academic Life Around the

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1 Academic Life Around the
Chapter 1: Academic Life Around the World Interactions I – Writing Prepared by: Ms.Ohood Ad-Dera’n

2 Objectives: Interview a classmate. Classifying vocabulary in a chart.
Distinguish between facts and opinions. Use graphic organizers to organize information. Use connectors to join ideas. Write topic sentences. Write coherent descriptive paragraph Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

3 Exploring Ideas p.p 4 What’s your name? How old are you?
Use these questions to a classmate: What’s your name? How old are you? What is your favorite color? Do you have any hobbies? Do you like the college? Why? What classes do you take in the college? What is your future dream? Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

4 Exploring Ideas p.p 4 What’s your name? Jennifer Jones
You should have something similar to this: What’s your name? Jennifer Jones How old are you? Where are you from? America, live in KSA What are her characteristics? Beautiful, helpful What classes do you like? Physics What classes do you dislike? Art What are your hobbies? Swim, draw, cook What will she be in future? Arabic teacher Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

5 Exploring Ideas p.p 4 Now, work in pairs.
Ask your classmate the previous questions. Write down the answers. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

6 Building Vocabulary p.p 5
Strategy It’s helpful to use a vocabulary chart to classify vocabulary words. This can help you remember and connect words. Places Jobs Furniture Foods supermarket nurse bed cake garden engineer sofa onion Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

7 Organizing Ideas p.p 5 A fact is something that is agreed on by
Strategy A fact is something that is agreed on by everyone. An opinion is someone’s idea. Ex. KSA is the largest Gulf country. (fact) Saudi universities are better than the Kuwaiti ones. (opinion) Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

8 Using Graphic Organizers p.p 6
Strategy When we collect information to write a paragraph, it’s beneficial to draw a diagram in order to organize ideas. This chart is called ‘‘graphic organizer'’’. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

9 There are many types of graphic organizers:
Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

10 Using Graphic Organizers p.p 6
Is your grandpa an old man? Yes. How does he earn money? By running a store. What is the best characteristic in him? Generous. Does he know the woods? Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

11 Possible Graphic Organizer
Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

12 Using Graphic Organizers p.p 6
Now, go back to the notes you took about your classmate. Convert them into a graphic organizer. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

13 Exploring Ideas p.p 4 What’s your name? Jennifer Jones
You should have something similar to this: What’s your name? Jennifer Jones How old are you? Where are you from? America, live in KSA What are her characteristics? Beautiful, helpful What classes do you like? Physics What classes do you dislike? Art What are your hobbies? Swim, draw, cook What will she be in future? Arabic teacher Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

14 Using Graphic Organizers p.p 6
You should have something like this: 17 years Teacher American, Live in KSA Jennifer Jones Cooks, draws, swim Beautiful, helpful Dislikes art Likes physics Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

15 Writing Topic Sentence p.p 7
Strategy What is the topic sentence? It expresses the main idea of the paragraph. All sentences are related to it. It shouldn’t be too general, not too specific. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

16 Mary wants to leave school. Mary’s sister graduated last year.
Which one can be a topic sentence: Mary is beautiful. Mary wants to leave school. Mary’s sister graduated last year. Mary is the new student in my class. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

17 Some connectors in English: and - but - also - so
Part# p. 8,9,10,11,12 Strategy: Some connectors in English: and but also so Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

18 Connectors p.p 9, 10, 11, 12 1- AND “And’’ connects two ideas that have the same verb. Kate is working. Kate is studying. Kate is working and studying. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

19 Connectors p.p 9, 10, 11, 12 1- AND Sometimes, “and’’ connects sentences that have different verbs, but the ideas can go together; no contrast between them. Kate is studying hard. Kate wants to be a doctor. Kate is studying hard and wants to be a doctor. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

20 Connectors p.p 9, 10, 11, 12 2- ALSO “Also’’ connects sentences similar ideas. It is used in the second sentence. Kate is studying hard. Kate wants to be a doctor. Kate is studying hard. She also wants to be a doctor. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

21 Connectors p.p 9, 10, 11, 12 3- BUT We use “but’’ when we talk about two totally different; opposite ideas. There should be a comma to separate the 2 sentences. Ex. My father likes food. He is thin. My father likes food, but he is thin Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

22 4- SO Connectors p.p 9, 10, 11, 12 “So’’ is used to show a result.
There should be a comma to separate the 2 sentences. Ex. * Our fridge is empty. I will order some food . * Our fridge is empty , so I will order some food . Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n


24 Strategy p.p 12 Writing a First Draft We need to have a first draft when writing a paragraph because we have to think about our ideas, organize them, and add or cancel some others. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

25 Strategy p.p 13 Revising for Content The ideas should be checked many times. If something is missing, now it’s time to add it. Any unnecessary details should be omitted. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

26 Strategy p.p 14 Look at pp.14 in your book. Revising for Form
Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

27 Time to Write ! Now, you will take each note you wrote about your classmate and put it in a full sentence. Use ‘she’ instead of repeating your friend’s name. Use connectors wherever possible. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

28 Time to Write ! 1- What’s your name? Jennifer Jones
My classmate is Jennifer Jones. 2- How old are you? She is 17 years old. 3- Where are you from? America, live in KSA She is American, but lives in KSA. 4-What are her characteristics? Beautiful,helpful She is beautiful and helpful. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

29 Time to Write ! 5- What classes do you like? Physics
6- What classes do you dislike? Art She likes physics classes, but dislikes art classes. 7- What are your hobbies? Swim, draw, cook In her free time, she swims, draws and cooks. 8- What will she be in future? Arabic teacher She wants to be an Arabic teacher in future. Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

30 The Result Ms. Ohood Ad-Dera'n

31 My New Classmate My classmate is Jennifer Jones. She is seventeen years old. She is American and came to live in Saudi Arabia. My new friend is beautiful and helpful. She likes physics classes, but she dislikes art. In her free time, she cooks, draws, and swims. Jennifer loves Arabic, so she wishes to be an Arabic teacher in the future.

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