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Rigid Body Dynamics Simulation

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Presentation on theme: "Rigid Body Dynamics Simulation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rigid Body Dynamics Simulation
Eugene Paik

2 Introduction What is rigid body dynamics?
In physics, rigid body dynamics is the study of the motion of rigid bodies. (wikipedia) What is my project about? My project focuses on accurately graphically simulating these physical interactions between rigid bodies.

3 Applications Engineering/Architecture Computer Animation Video Games Teaching

4 “State of the Art” Havok physics engine Halo 3 SSBB Starcraft II
Fallout 3 etc.

5 Development 2D vs 3D What language? Where to start?

6 Easy Familiar Existing graphics libraries
Java Easy Familiar Existing graphics libraries

7 Overview Collision Detection
Rotating Bodies Collision Response

8 Collision Detection Separating Axis Theorem Moving bodies
Rotating bodies

9 Collision Response How two objects react to each other when they collide Physics

10 Current State

11 Analysis Changes to the project: 3D -> 2D C++ -> Java
OpenGL → Java Graphics

12 Conclusion Bigger project than expected
Research still being done in area Collision Detection Physics Soft-body dynamics/Liquid dynamics

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