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Electro-optical and Radio Acoustic Transducers

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Presentation on theme: "Electro-optical and Radio Acoustic Transducers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electro-optical and Radio Acoustic Transducers
Urvish Soni

2 Opto-electronic devices
Opto : Optical Electronic : Semiconductors

3 Need Speed Isolation Size Compactness Low Power Requirements
High efficiency Lots of Benefits…

4 Photo emissive cells


6 Light Emitting Diode


8 IR emitter

9 Photoconductive cells (LDR)
The photoconductive cell is a two terminal semiconductor device whose terminal resistance will vary (linearly) with the intensity of the incident light

10 Photodiode,

11 Photo transistor,

12 Photovoltaic cells,

13 LASER A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation

14 Opto-coupler

15 Digital Encoders (incremental/absolute)


17 Radioactive acoustic transducers
GM Counter Ultrasonic Io Selective

18 Geiger Muller counter MOST IMP

19 Geiger Muller counter

20 Ultrasonic transducers

21 Ion Selective Electrodes

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