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Calcium Chloride Ammonium Chloride

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Presentation on theme: "Calcium Chloride Ammonium Chloride"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calcium Chloride Ammonium Chloride
Demo Calcium Chloride Ammonium Chloride CaCl NH4Cl feels _______ feels ______ Heat flows where? into or out of ? into or out of ? warmer cooler

2 Law of Conservation of Energy:
In all chemical or physical processes, energy is neither created nor destroyed (it must go somewhere) Energy changes always involve the system and the surroundings. system: the focus (reaction) surroundings: everything else around

3 NO exchange of matter or energy with surroundings
Open System: exchange matter and energy with surroundings (cup of hot coffee) Closed System: exchange only energy with surroundings (cup of hot coffee with a lid) Isolated System: NO exchange of matter or energy with surroundings (insulated cup of hot coffee)

4 CaCl2 NH4Cl Exothermic: system releases heat to surroundings Endothermic: system absorbs heat from surroundings feels warmer temp up feels cooler temp down

5 Total Energy Constant (KE + PE) Heat Energy (KE) Chemical Energy (PE)

6 Potential Energy (PE) Diagram
(bonds broken) (PE) PEreac Ea(+) (weak bonds break) H(–) PEprod (strong bonds form) Stronger Bonds: Lower PE (more needed to break)

7 (energy released when bonds form)
High PE chemical bond Low PE (energy released when bonds form) High PE (energy absorbed when bonds break) + +

8 EXOthermic Potential Energy (PE) energy released “feels” warmer
(stronger) (lower PE) Rxn Progress

9 ENDOthermic Potential Energy (PE) energy absorbed “feels” cooler
(stronger) (lower PE) Rxn Progress

10 Describe the direction of heat flow as water melts.
from ___________ to ___________ ENDOthermic surroundings water

11 During freezing weather, farmers protect citrus crops by spraying them with water.
This is because... as water cools, it releases a lot of heat (EXO–) to the oranges.

12 Quick Quiz! How is an open system similar to a closed system? They both… exchange matter in and out. exchange energy in and out. exchange matter and energy in and out. are identical to an isolated system.

13 Quick Quiz. 2. The energy released when a piece of wood is burned has been stored in the wood as ___________. sunlight energy heat energy calories chemical potential energy

14 Quick Quiz. 3. Which of the following statements about heat is FALSE? Heat is a measure of temperature. Heat always flows from warmer objects to cooler objects. Adding heat can increase the amount of energy of an object. Heat flows because of a difference in temperature.

15 Quick Quiz. 4. Fill in the blanks: In an endothermic process, the system ________ heat when heat is ________ its surroundings, so the surroundings _____________. gains, absorbed from, cool down. loses, released to, heat up. gains, absorbed from, heat up. loses, released to, cool down.

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