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Separation Technology TKP 4105

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1 Separation Technology TKP 4105
Diffusion (binary): Fick’s law Distillation (binary): Both components A and B are volatile. Absorption (ternary): Gas component A diluted in an inert carrier gas C contacted with liquid B (which maybe volatile). Extraction (ternary): Three mutually soluble components.

2 So, what’s all about? Mass balances, mass balances, mass ...
Units, units, units ... Distillation (constant pressure): Difference in volatility caused by changes in T. Absorption (constant T and P): Driving force is partial pressure. Extraction(constant T and P): Driving force is liquid mole fraction.

3 Mass transfer (Chapter 6 and 7)
Stationary flux (Eqs ,15) Stefan tube (Eq ) Equimolar diffusion (Eq ) Varying cross-sectional area (Eq ) Chapman-Enskog relation (Eq ) Unsteady state diffusion (Eq )

4 Absorption (Chapter 10) Countercurrent stages (Eq. 10.3-13)
Kremser equations (Eqs ,25) Packed towers (Eq and Fig )

5 Distillation (Chapter 11)
Phase diagrams (Figs ,2,3) Flash distillation (Eq ) Distillation with reflux (Eqs ,4) McCabe-Thiele method (Eqs ,11,19 and Fig ) Total & minimum reflux (Figs ,11)

6 Extraction (Chapter 12) Phase diagrams (Figs. 11.5-1,2,3,4)
Single stage operation (Eqs ,8,9) Countercurrent operation (Eqs ,4,10 and Figs ,5)

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