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Welcome to Parents Technology/Homework Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Parents Technology/Homework Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Parents Technology/Homework Meeting
We are glad you are here! Ms Schneider and Ms. Bartles

2 Objectives Tonight we will..
Help you understand and experience all the on-line learning resources that are available to help your child reinforce and extend (challenge) their learning. Help you understand our rationale for homework/format that we will use and what you can expect during the year (particularly for on-line assignments)

3 Homework What are your experiences? What are your expectations?
What do you think homework should look like and sound like?

4 Our View Fun Meaningful not busy work Reinforce what has been taught
Some parent involvement (check for completion, answer basic questions, validate that learning is important, help establish good study habits) Way for you to see what your child is learning Successful for the child (and parents too!) Should not interrupt family time or become a struggle between parent and child

5 What Research Says Mixed Review on Homework About 30 minutes a night (review and practice) The amount of time spent does not equal the amount of learning

6 Homework We Give Reading –each night (read to self or someone0ne)
Homewriting Journal Math—practice skills, later build fluency for basic facts and operations, problem solving Daily Geography Daily Science Spelling and Word Study Grammar Some projects (will be broken into steps…we do at school an example, you do at home) Reading Counts Books On-line: games, RAZ Kids, Extra Math, Spelling City

7 Things to provide your child
Quiet place Materials and supplies (pencils etc.) Breaks to stretch and move around Help with organizational skills (checklists, picture schedules, preparing the night before etc.) Encouragement Communication with the teacher (us) Consistent schedule Teach organizational skills

8 General Tips Spelling-
Keep a personal dictionary words they need to spell or spell often Talk about strategies for spelling, or make connections Is this how you spell? See what the child gives you Avoid looking up in big dictionaries (can be overwhelming) Magic Line for words they don’t know

9 What We Expect Communication with us….make the homework is a two way street: Too hard, too much, need more time, didn’t get something complete just send a note Interest and monitoring in what your child is doing Help kids be honest, responsible, and learn to prioritize their time

10 Reading Just right books…five finger rule Read to Someone Techniques
-coaching or time -I heard you read Kids need to still be to (To, With, and By) Finding books of interest

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