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UNSHACKLED: A study in the Book of Ephesians

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Presentation on theme: "UNSHACKLED: A study in the Book of Ephesians"— Presentation transcript:

1 UNSHACKLED: A study in the Book of Ephesians

2 Small Group Question, 1st Break:
Tell Your Small Group a little about yourself and why you decided to join the study. Read pg 2 of Ephesians notebook. What stands out to you in this note?

3 FOUNDATIONS: 1. Tone- Healthy correct tone is critical
2. Faith- Confident expectation/trust 3. Role of Holy Spirit and the Scriptures 4. Context with Ephesians 5. Time with Him!

4 Big Picture of Ephesians
Two Clear Segments: Trusting in the truths of the first makes possible the actions and lifestyle of the second!

5 COMMITMENT: 1. Showing up each week you are in town
2. Being In The Word Daily/Scripture Memory 3. Writing Down What God Reveals to You

6 Small Group Question, 2nd Break:
What One Teaching Point Stood Out to You the Most Today?

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