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Presentation on theme: "HEART DISEASE AND STROKE"— Presentation transcript:

By University Wisconsin-Green Bay Nutrition Students Stephanie Emily Courtney

2 Heart Disease and Stroke FACTS
Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in U.S. and the World Stroke is the third leading cause of death in U.S. and the second in the World Nations most costly health problem, $320 billion a year Preventable

3 What is heart disease Atherosclerosis- the inner walls of arteries become narrower because of plaque buildup- usually caused by a diet high in fat, cigarette smoking, diabetes or hypertension (high blood pressure) Limits flow of blood to the heart and brain Sometimes, this plaque can break open a blood clot forms and blocks blood flow in the artery. This can cause a heart attack or stroke

4 Heart Disease and Stroke Risk Factors
High Blood Pressure 140/90 is considered high High Cholesterol Lower LDL , Higher HDL Overweight or Obese Citation: Healthy People 2020 retrieved 10/4/17 at


6 What can you do to help prevent it
Eat Proper Diet – low in sodium, saturated fat, and trans fat Exercise Regularly Quit Smoking Lower blood pressure if high Reach and maintain a healthy weight

7 Heart Healthy Eating Vegetables – canned, dried, fresh, frozen
Fruits – canned, dried, fresh, frozen Proteins – eggs, lean meat, legumes, nuts, and seeds Whole Grains – oatmeal, barley, brown rice, millet, popcorn, 100% whole wheat bread, pasta, and crackers Dairy – Low fat and fat free Oils – Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated Olive, avocado, and canola

8 Other Dietary Factors Drink alcohol in moderation - no more than one drink per day if you’re a woman, no more than two drinks per day if you’re a man Foods with less sodium/prepare foods with little or no salt To lower blood pressure, aim to eat no more than 2,400 milligrams of sodium per day Cut back on beverages and foods with added sugars When there’s extra sodium in your bloodstream, it pulls water into your blood vessels, increasing the total amount (volume) of blood inside your blood vessels. With more blood flowing through your blood vessels, blood pressure increases

9 Yogurt Cup Snack Fat free yogurt Oats Berries

10 References American Heart Association, Answers by Heart, Copyright © 2017 American Heart Association, Healthy For GoodTM, stroke Statistics_UCM_319064_SubHomePage.jsp


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