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Français 4/AP Madame Tennen

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1 Français 4/AP Madame Tennen
“L’homme qui sait deux langues en vaut deux.” Français 4/AP Madame Tennen Phone number:  x2179 Website: Room: H-23 OVERVIEW: French 4/AP French is a course designed to prepare students for the AP French Language and Culture exam and/or the Oral Proficiency Interview (information on reverse). Students should already have considerable competence in grammar, culture, reading, speaking, listening and writing in French. Students will focus their efforts on the three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive and presentational), as well as on the six AP themes (Global Challenges, Families and Communities, Personal and Public Identities, Beauty and Aesthetics, Science and Technology and Contemporary Life) and their accompanying subthemes. When communicating, students will demonstrate understanding of cultures, incorporate interdisciplinary topics (connections), make comparisons between their native language/culture and the target language/cultures, and use the target language in real-life settings (communities). The course will be conducted in French. Materials (provided by Madame Tennen) may include: AP French textbooks such as Thèmes, Allons au-delà, Reprise, and Triangle French websites such as RFI, TV5, TF1 Other websites such as YouTube or the College Board website Podcasts or movies in the target language Other authentic materials as deemed appropriate Supplementary materials as deemed appropriate For the purposes of this course, “authentic materials” means materials created by native French speakers and intended for native French speakers. Materials to be provided by the student: A folder or notebook to store handouts distributed in class Something to write on every class A pen or pencil every class A positive attitude and a willingness to learn in an academically challenging environment Willingness to actively seek opportunities to use French outside of class Semester One Learning Targets I can answer and expand on complex questions about topics covered in class using specific vocabulary. I can read a French novel that uses the simple past tense. I can understand and translate French literary texts with only a dictionary. I can summarize and respond to complex questions on a French literary text in one page. I can revise and edit my writing to integrate new vocabulary and make it more complex. I can understand most of a French audio story (audio version of a narrative). Semester Two Learning Targets I can have an engaging conversation on a variety of topics for 3 minutes, asking questions and only in French. I can present a researched topic in front of a group and field questions only in French. I can memorize and recite part of a French play. I can read a one-page authentic French article and glean the main argument. I can write an engaging and imaginative essay of at least one page in French. I can appropriately respond to complex questions in quick spoken French. I can follow and comment upon dialogue in a French film in a general manner.

2 Electronics policy: All electronic devices must be put away by the beginning of the block.  Devices will be used when needed for an instructional activity. When devices are not being used for instructional purposes, the school policy will be followed. Behavior Expectations: French 4/AP French is an advanced course, and I expect you to treat it as such. Please come to class prepared to learn and to speak French. Challenge yourself to interact with Madame Tennen and with your peers exclusively in French. Grades: Grades are based on the modes of communication (interpretive, interpersonal, presentational). Students will also keep a warm-up calendar and a daily work log, which will be checked at regular intervals throughout the semester. Numerical grades will correspond to the following letter grades: A %; A %; B %; B 83-86%; B %; C %; C 73-76%; C %; D %; D 63-66%; D %; F 0-59%. Makeup: If absent, go to to see missing work. You get 2 school days for every one day of school that is missed, and work assigned prior to the first day of absence is due the day the student returns to class. Please arrange to see me during tutorials to make up work. Late Work: Because this is an AP course and most work will be completed in class, no late work will be accepted. SOU Credits: In the spring we team with SOU to offer students the opportunity to earn college credit for French. This is available to all seniors. The exam consists of a 15-minute oral interview with a professional tester and a written assessment at SOU. Students can earn up to 20 college credits. I will inform students of the details in the spring; tests are usually completed in April. Flex Plan for TAG-Identified or TAG-Potential Students: The Ashland High School World Languages department recognizes that students learn at varying rates and levels. Throughout the year, TAG-identified students may have the opportunity to extend their learning beyond the class curriculum. Flex plan guidelines include: Students can qualify for or request accommodations from their teacher. Rate and level of learning will be assessed on an individual basis. Opportunities will not add additional work on top of existing course requirements. Curriculum accommodations will vary based on the unit of study. Proposal of design and grading of differentiated and/or accelerated work will be determined at the time of request and should involve student input. Statement on Academic Honesty: Students are expected to exhibit personal integrity at all times in regards to their schoolwork. Students acting dishonestly in any way including cheating, plagiarizing, copying homework or in any other way misrepresenting another’s work for their own will experience severe consequences. Discipline measures may include being assigned detention, failing the assignment, dropping a semester grade, or being suspended. A parent conference will be required of serious or repeated infractions.

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