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Intro to Political Beliefs and Behaviors

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1 Intro to Political Beliefs and Behaviors

2 Intro to Political Beliefs and Behaviors
Political Compass/Typology Journal: Which test was more accurate? Why? What is the political compass? What does it measure? What is the political typology? What are strengths and weaknesses of each tool? Explain

3 Journal: -- Contrast Political Culture Components:
Political Ideology Components:

4 In American politics, there are generally two ideologies that frame EVERY issue.

5 What do Conservatives think?
Likes: Socially: traditional views Economically: lower taxes and less regulation Dislikes: Rapid changes in social or economic policy

6 What do liberals think? Likes: Socially: people should be allowed to express themselves individually without government regulation Economically: The government should help those in need Dislikes: Traditional viewpoints in social or economic issues

7 Individual Rights Economic Policy
Conservatives and Liberals think differently about social and economic issues. Individual Rights Economic Policy

8 Most issues involve both SOCIAL and ECONOMIC considerations.
Immigration Social Security War Education

9 Conservatives believe in MORE government in some areas and LESS in others.
Social Beliefs Economic Beliefs Pro-life Traditional Marriage Pro-school prayer Gun Rights Lower taxes for all Less regulations on business Less money spent on government programs to assist the poor Spend money on defense Connect this to the political compass: How are these beliefs reflective of the role of government?

10 Liberals believe in MORE government in some issues and LESS in others.
Social Beliefs Economic Beliefs Pro-choice Marriage Equality Separate religion and government Gun control Progressive taxation Government needs to protect consumers and workers with regulations on business Government programs for the needy

11 Match the quotes below with the ideologies to the right:
“Raising taxes hurts business owners.” “Women should have the right to choose their reproductive rights.” “If you are unemployed, government should help” “Marriage is between a man and a woman.” Social Liberal Economic Conservative Social Conservative Economic Liberal

12 Let’s think about this using the political compass.
Liberals agree with MORE government involvement in _______ issues and LESS government involvement in __________ issues. Conservatives agree with MORE government involvement in _________ issues, and LESS government involvement in ____________ issues.

13 Name calling Liberals can also be called: Progressives Blue Dogs “the left” Conservatives can also be called: Tea Party “the right”

14 Why is it too simplistic to describe someone as simply a “conservative” or a “liberal”?
Yes: If they have some liberal beliefs (social or economic) in combination with some conservative ones. No: Not if they are both a social AND economic conservative

15 But it’s not that simple . . .
Libertarians Tea Party Moderates Independents Libertarians: less gov in every issue Tea Party: control to states, less gov in econ issues Moderates: Balance on social and econ issues Independents: no party label Libertarians are the only one of these categories that is a party. The rest are just offshoots of ideology or refuse to designate themselves as one of the two major parties. PLOT THEM ON THE COMPASS

16 Let’s summarize and connect . . .
An example of a Liberal social belief is An example of a Conservative social belief is An example of a Liberal economic belief is An example of a Conservative economic belief is Libertarians are like liberals because Libertarians are like conservatives because The most important thing about ideologies is . . .

17 An example of a Liberal social belief is
An example of a Liberal social belief is An example of a Conservative social belief is An example of a Liberal economic belief is An example of a Conservative economic belief is Libertarians are like liberals because Libertarians are like conservatives because The most important thing about ideologies is . . .

18 Agenda: 08/13/14 Journal: Read Bush/Obama Quiz and Answer 1-6 with factual evidence Political Ideology Lecture/Discussion Notes Return to Political Typology Site – from the home page– click on your Label and explain Social Characteristics and Ideological placement associated with your typology label.

19 Factors that Influence Political Ideology:
Factors that influence development of ideology: FAMILY GENDER RELIGION EDUCATION

20 Big Paper Posters: Collaborate at your table to respond to assigned question from Chapter Construct Poster to Graphically Illustrate your response.

21 Reflection Questions—
How have your notions of the terms “liberal” and “conservative” changed now that you have learned more about them? How have your notions of the terms remained the same? Explain your answers with factual/logical evidence


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