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Justice distribution “Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under.

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Presentation on theme: "Justice distribution “Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under."— Presentation transcript:

1 Justice distribution “Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy.” ― Wendell Berry Retribution

2 The Liberal Tradition Progressives Libertarians
Key value – Freedom as equality of opportunity and quality of living Want a welfare state that makes sure no one falls below a certain basic standard of living Favor a progressive tax system in which the wealthy pay a higher percentage of their income in taxes Libertarians Key value – Freedom as personal liberty to do as one pleases Want a minimal government with power limited to courts, police, and military Oppose any income tax, except, perhaps, a minimal flat tax for the minimal government

3 Two Views of Freedom Libertarians Progressives
Freedom = being left alone to do what I want (negative freedom) Progressives Freedom = having the obstacles that keep me from living fully removed (Positive Freedom)

4 Do we own ourselves? Immanuel Kant b. 1724 d. 1804
Lived in Prussia (now Germany) all of his life Founder of the moral system known as deontology 4

5 Categorical Imperative
“Act so that you treat humanity [persons], whether in your person or that of another, always as an end and never as a means only.” Translation: It is always wrong to treat a person as if they were nothing more than a thing; always wrong to treat them like an object

6 Respecting Persons Person – df. 'a rational being'
To be a rational being one must posses (a) self- awareness, (b) be able to make complex free choices, and (c) have a concept of right and wrong 6

7 Kant Vs. The Libertarians
Libertarianism – We each own ourselves and may do whatever we like with ourselves. Self- ownership is the foundation of morals Kant – We don’t own ourselves. We are not our own property. Respect for the dignity of ourselves and others is the foundation of morals

8 Nozick's argument for Libertarianism
It is my money! I EARNED it! I DESERVE it! Meritocracy – the view that those who do well in society earned it, and that those who do poorly deserve it.

9 Rawls' argument for Progressivism
A Theory of Justice (1971) “against Meritocracy ” The amount of money you make is largely a result of dumb luck, in two ways 1) what talents you are born with, and 2) supply an demand How much you earn does NOT depend on what you morally deserve

10 A Fair Race?

11 The Original Position The Veil of Ignorance

12 We Would not choose 1. Communism 2. Utilitarianism

13 Two Principles of Justice
1. The Principle of Equal Liberty 2. The Difference Principle Wins if they conflict

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