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Helge C. Moog, H. -J. Herbert, V. Brendler, A. Richter, M. Altmaier, C

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Presentation on theme: "Helge C. Moog, H. -J. Herbert, V. Brendler, A. Richter, M. Altmaier, C"— Presentation transcript:

1 The thermodynamic reference database for nuclear waste disposal in Germany
Helge C. Moog, H.-J. Herbert, V. Brendler, A. Richter, M. Altmaier, C. Marquardt, W. Voigt, S. Wilhelm

2 Precipitation / Dissolution
Context Host Rock Backfill Surface Reactions Redox Reactions Complex Formation Mikrobial Processes Formation of Colloids Radiolysis Gas Generation Precipitation / Dissolution Thermodynamic Equilibrium- Modeling Waste

3 What do we need to perform a thermodynamic equilibrium calculation?
Question: How much UO2 gets Dissolved at pH = 8? Boundary Conditions Code: PHREEQC GWB CHEMAPP EQ3/6 Parameterfile Prone to errors Lots of work!!! Result Thermodynamic Database Modification of database Agreement ? Exp. Data

4 Basic idea Thermodynamic calculations of various institutions become compareable, by creating parameter files from a common database. Parameterfile 1 Daten.dat Parameterfile 2 Daten.dat Parameterfile 3 Daten.dat Parameterfile 4 Daten.dat Reference database

5 Thermodynamic Database
Thermodynamic equilibrium modeling for nuclear and non-nuclear waste disposal as a common task Creation of a mutually agreed reference database Long-term usability Easy access via the world wide web Easy applicability: Making available ready-to-use parameter files Internal consistency Comprehensiveness Documentation Parameter File Exp. Data Thermodynamic Database

6 Data structure: Phases and Phase constituents
Elements aq Pu4+ 4 Pu, -4 EA PuO2+ 1 Pu, 2 O, -1 EA PuO2(CO3)35- 1 Pu, 11 O, 3 C, 5 EA

7 Data structure: Phase constituent types and Reactions
Primary Master Pu4+ Secondary Master PuO2+ PuO2(OH)(am) PuO2(CO3)35- Products Reactand Coefficient Pu<4+> -1 H2O(l) -2 PuO2<2+> +1 H<+> +2 H2(g) Reactand Coefficient PuO2<+> -1 H2O(l) H<+> +1 PuO2(OH)(am) Reactand Coefficient PuO2<+> -1 CO3<2-> PuO2(CO3)3<5-> 1

8 What do we mean by „thermodynamic database“?
Consistency of data Cp0 DfG0 DfH0 S0 logK logb DrCp0 DrG0 DrH0 DrS0 DrG0(T) „A technical framework which ensures that dependent and independent data are stored in a manner which ensures internal consistency when independent data are modified“ logK(T)

9 Internal calculations
DfG0 DfH0 S0 Gibbs-Helmholtz-relationship

10 Internal calculations
DfG0 logK logb

11 Internal calculations
DfH0 S0 DrH0 DrS0

12 Internal calculations
logK DrG0

13 Succession of internal calculations
DfG0 DfH0 S0 logK DrG0 DrH0 DrS0 1/2

14 Technical Basics Datenbanksystem = PostgreSQL Relations: >79
Attributes: >854 Constraints: >120

15 Documentation Calculation Mode Category (Volker) m (Cl<->)
Class -1 F Internally calculated R By definition / convention fixed value 1 Value based upon experimental thermochemical data Value based upon experimental equilibrium data in aqueous solution 2 Chemical analogue value, based upon thermochemical data Chemical analogue value, based upon experimental equilibrium data in aqueous solution 3 Estimated value, based upon founded correlations and models for formation data Estimated value, based upon founded correlations and models for reaction data 4 NA Origin of value not reported; data class cannot be determined 5 Not consistent with other data in THEREDA 6 Data class not yet entered (to be done) Quality -1 Internally calculated By definition / convention fixed value 1 Reliable datum 2 Datum is reliable within the given range of error 3 Questionable value (uncertain model for speciation, uncertain auxiliary data) 4 Suitability for modelling or correctness not yet determined 5 Scrutinized and deemed inapplicable for modeling 6 Data quality not yet entered (to be done) Source -1 Internally calculated By definition / convention fixed value 1 …international review or from an internationally acknowledged review article 2 Value taken from an institutional review 3 Value is based upon a number of publicly accessible publications 4 Value is based upon a single publicly accessible publication 5 Value is based upon internal sources not available to the public 6 Data source not yet entered (to be done) Category F Formation data R Reaction data FR Based on formation- and reaction-type data NA Not applicable Calculation Mode Category (Volker) Class (Volker) Source (Volker) Quality (Volker) Interaction Model (Pitzer, SIT, EDH, …) Sets Validities Technical Papers (Volker) pH m (Cl<->)

16 Technical Basics Web Server Internet Client Content Management System
Interface Modules Content Management System DBMS Web Server Client Internet

17 How it is used THEREDA-DB Specification by the user: Elements
Interaction Model Code Gen. Datafile Parameter File GWB PHREEQC CHEMAPP EQ3/6

18 Access via World Wide Web

19 Access via World Wide Web
Query is performed interactively with the user Thermodynamic data and interaction coefficients Presently, we are preparing the website to allow for the query of data, to be defined interactively by the user. This functionality will progressively be extended to allow for the download of groups of data and code-specific parameter files for geochemical calculation codes, such as PHREEQC, Geochemist's Workbench, or CHEMAPP. generic format JSON: script language, simultaneous mapping of the input format for alternate calculation methods LMA (Law of Mass Action) and GEM (Gibbs Energy Minimization) ; JSON as independent output option which is independent from export filters 19

20 Access via World Wide Web
Phase constituents grouped by phases and oxidation number of central element Thermodynamic data of pure elements With [Show Data] display of detailed data 20

21 Access via World Wide Web
Export of data as CSV or MS-Excel© Tool-Tips with additional information (formation reaction, classification of data, references) 21

22 Access via World Wide Web Compilation of complex datasets
Storage of md5-checksum of all downloaded parameter files Benchmark calculations are documented, archived and made accessible to the user Open and free-of-charge access to thermodynamic reference data

23 Additional element of quality assurance: feedback from the user
All pages in german AND ENGLISH

24 Comprehensiveness (in part)
196 Phases 312 aq. Species (incl. 34 Primary Master) 336 formation reactions 789 Standard data sets (Pitzer) 717 interactions (Pitzer and SIT) Many Actinide data related to Volker

25 Current activities Preparation of first release of data for
System of ozeanic salts (for some subsystems up to 300°C) Am, Cm, Nd Completion (and test!) of export programs for Geochemist‘s Workbench (GWB) CHEMAPP EQ3/6 PHREEQC Execution and documentation of benchmark calculations

26 Planned activities in the near future
Creation for web-based user interface (primarly intended for editors) Implementation of an internal review (to be tested with the first data to be released) Preparation of the integration of sorption data Release of data for Np und Pu planned ~ Sommer 2011

27 Thank you for your attention!

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