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Winning the Social Network Avids:

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Presentation on theme: "Winning the Social Network Avids:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Winning the Social Network Avids:
Connecting with the New Communicators Michel Guidi Managing Director, Europe Pete Cape Global Knowledge Director

2 What We’ll Be Talking About
Social Networks: setting the stage Who are the avid social network users? How does social networking affect purchase decisions? What are the potential benefits for research?

3 What Is Social Networking?

4 What Is Social Networking?

5 What Is Social Networking?

6 What Is Social Networking?

7 Social Network Users

8 New SSI Study on Social Network Users
Study Objective: Examine avid social network users to see how they are different. Online survey among 4,089 participants from 27/8 – 6/9/2011 UK (n=828) Germany (n=774) France (n=783) Italy (n=353) Spain (n=391) Sweden (n=448) Netherlands (n=512) Participants ages 13 and older were interviewed and then balanced to age and gender targets per country.

9 Most People Use Social Networks Every Week

10 Social Networking’s Embedded in Everyday Life
Italy was at 28% last round and Netherlands was at 16%.

11 Who Are The Avid Users?

12 Avid Users Are Not Just Teens

13 Avids Love to Consume Information…
In Spain, read someone else’s wall 60% among avids vs. 55% among actives.

14 … and Then Contribute to the Network
In Netherlands, Update status is 16% among avids and 12% among actives.

15 Poll: Do you think Avids are more or less active in their offline communities than the average social network user? Avids are MORE active offline Avids are LESS active offline Avids have the SAME level offline Don't know

16 Avids More Involved Offline Too

17 Avids Are Engaged in the Social Fabric Offline
Some differences do exist within country. Not all countries follow these trends for all activities, but most do. Went to a bar, went to a restaurant.

18 Quality Matters to Avids
The Netherlands was the one exception.

19 Avids Are Early Adopters
The Netherlands was the one exception.

20 Avids Embrace Technology to Stay Connected

21 What’s the Big Deal?

22 Poll: Do you use social networks as part of your buying decision process? Always Sometimes Rarely Never

23 Avids Use Social Networks for Purchase Decisions
Overall, 12th out of 16 options. Tied for 6th among avids.

24 Most Have Recommended a Product or Service
28% of avid users have made a recommendation in the past week.

25 Recommendations happen in real time

26 Who’s Recommending Matters to Avids

27 Avids Talk More About Product Experiences
% have recommended in the past Avid users Active Weekly Users Movies 24% 9% TV shows 22% 6% Web sites 19% 7% Vacation destinations 15% Restaurants 14% Clothing 5% Computer software 12% 4% Cosmetics 11% Cell phone service Consumer electronics 10% Hotels

28 Web Sites Provide Information…

29 …Conversations Drive Interest

30 Information Is Converging

31 Avids Try New Types of Social Networks
Have you tried the new social networking project Google+? Based to total Avid weekly users Active weekly users Occasional/Non-users Have tried 10% 6% 2% How likely are you to try Google+? Based to those who have not tried Avid weekly users Active weekly users Occasional/Non-users Extremely likely 10% 6% 2% Very likely 19% 14% 4% NET: 29% 20% 5%

32 Potential benefits for research

33 Recruit

34 Panels Don’t Appeal to Everyone
20% of our sample is not on a research panel and makes up the base for above. (FYI, another 7% is not sure). Broad differences between countries, but some countries have small bases for this function.

35 Alternatives to e-mails
Some differences within country, depending on attribute.

36 Survey-Taking Preferences Similar In All Groups
Some differences within country, depending on attribute.

37 Engagement Utilize Facebook for our US panel SurveySpot
To provide our panelists another outlet where they are able to communicate and engage with the SurveySpot community. Through our Facebook channel our fans are able to participate in surveys along with promotions and communicate with other members about events that are happening within the community. Share with friends Our Facebook page allows fans the ability to post a link on their own wall and the walls of others, essentially creating a word of mouth promotion. This helps SurveySpot with brand awareness and recruitment. Main Concepts of Engagement: Facebook posts– on our SurveySpot wall we publish engaging content to keep fans informed about panel events, community promotions, technical problems, and news happening around the world. The team tests different options of posts to see which type of communication creates the most interaction. Promotions- by having promotions and winners we are able to interact with people and lead conversations that match the interests of the business and our respondents. Helpdesk - our Facebook page has also become a place for our participants to communicate technical issues to us or give us any other feedback they have with their survey experience.

38 Examples, Posts Create engaging content: find out by checking which type of posts people interact with the most. News postings Promotion updates Brainteasers

39 Examples, Promotions Keep page fresh, execute strategy: Allows our respondents to participate in surveys and also communicate with their friends about our brand and value proposition.

40 Examples, Helpdesk Real Time Help: although the main purpose of our page is not to be helpdesk, we still provide respondent assistance. This helps eliminate bad wall comments and also it decreases traffic to our support team because when we post a solution all of our fans are able to see it. Comments and messages General FAQs

41 Summary

42 Summary Avids dominate the online conversation

43 Summary Avids dominate the online conversation
Avids exist across all age groups and are active both online and offline

44 Summary Avids dominate the online conversation
Avids exist across all age groups and are active both online and offline Social networking sites are a key part of their decision process – especially when information comes from someone they know

45 Summary Avids dominate the online conversation
Avids exist across all age groups and are active both online and offline Social networking sites are a key part of their decision process – especially when information comes from someone they know Use social networks to engage research participants

46 Summary Avids dominate the online conversation
Avids exist across all age groups and are active both online and offline Social networking sites are a key part of their decision process – especially when information comes from someone they know Use social networks to engage research participants Convergence of technology and information will continue to fuel the power of social networks

47 For More Information For a copy of today’s presentations: Put Webinar in the subject For results of our Social Networking Part 1 webinar: Put February in the subject For results of our Pan European Social Networking webinar: Put EU in the subject  To meet with an SSI representative about our research or your next project: Put Meeting in the subject Feel free to request all three! Please include your name, title, company and , so we can respond promptly to your request!

48 Q&A For More Information… Michel Guidi
Pete Cape

49 To Continue The Conversation
 To continue this conversation or ask additional questions, please visit our Facebook page,, or tweet @surveysampling using the hashtag #SSIwebinar More SSI Webinars Visit to listen to our webinar on social networking in APAC or to register to our upcoming global webinar 'Mapping the Hi-Tech Consumer Landscape: Navigating the Opportunities and Obstacles of New Technologies' on October 19th from 19:00 – 20:00 CEST

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