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EMOTIONS Emotions are the way your body reacts to situations or things in the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "EMOTIONS Emotions are the way your body reacts to situations or things in the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMOTIONS Emotions are the way your body reacts to situations or things in the environment.


3 How Does our Body React to our Emotions
Remember you cannot help the emotions that you have, but you can control how you react to them! Your body will give you clues that you are about to react to an emotion. How we react to the emotion can be seen as our mood

4 Signs your body gives you

5 What is a Mood? A mood is an interaction between our feelings, thoughts, and actions to a situation or memory. How we feel about what happened Feelings MOOD Actions How we respond Thoughts How we think about what happened

6 How do you change your mood? CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS!!!
1. Feelings-We cannot control that these happen 2. Thoughts This you can control. How you look at the situation is what matters. Try using milder more positive words in your thoughts As yourself can I learn something from this situation Challenge your thoughts Choose positive thoughts! 3. Actions- REMEMBER: These are your choice!!!!

7 There are 4 Pillars of Brain Health
Physical Exercise Balanced Diet Stress Management Brain Excercise

8 Exercise- 30 minutes of physical activity to increase your heart rate.
Releases feel-good brain chemicals Reduces immune system chemicals which worsen depression Increases body temperature which has calming affects Gain confidence Take your mind of worries Get social interactions Cope in healthy ways Natural Energy boost Improved sleep Healthier appetite HAVE FUN!- it is not a specific activity it is about doing one you enjoy!

9 Sleep How to get more sleep Why is it Important?
8-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Sleep allows brain to take new information and strengthen memories Sleep can affect mood, energy level, and ability to concentrate Sleep affect mental and physical health health Have a regular sleep schedule Use naps to make up for lost sleep. Increase natural light exposure Keep noise out of room Keep room dark Make sure you are comfortable when you sleep Eat right and get regular exercise Drink less liquids right before bed If you must have a snack try: ½ turkey sandwich, whole grain/low sugar cereal, granola w/lowfat milk or yogurt, or a banana

10 Brain Food BREAKFAST is very important try to eat: Granola, Yogurt, Sliced Apple, Veggie Omelet, Bran Muffin, Fruit Cup. They will help restock your energy BRAIN BUILDING FOODS: Avacado, Banana, Spinach, Yogurt, Peanut Butter BRAIN DRAINERS: Colas, Corn Syrup FATS YOUR BODY NEEDS TO DEVELOP HEALTHY BRAIN CELLS: Omega 6: Safflower Oil, Sunflower Oil, Corn Oil, Sesame Oil Omega 3: Flax, Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, Cold Water Fish

11 Brain Excercise Brain Excercises improve concentration and memory and can help sustain mental clarity in stressful situations 3 Brain Excercises to do each day: 1. 5 minute visualization-going to a place that is relaxing or brings you happy thoughts/memories 2. Series of adding and subtracting 3. Try something different of new every day

12 The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion
The root of all health is in the brain. The trunk of it is in emotion. The branches and leaves are the body. The flower of health blooms when all parts work together. ~Kurdish 

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