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Presentation on theme: "AUGMENTED REALITY MULTIPLAYER GAME"— Presentation transcript:

MultiAR [GIP] | [234329] Students: Michael Pekel supervisors: Matan Sela Ofir Elmakias yaron honen AUGMENTED REALITY MULTIPLAYER GAME

2 Abstract multiplayer quest Game targeting the augmented reality platform - Google Tango. This game simulates the game mechanics in Pokémon GO coop with a random opponent, but with fantasy elements and interesting game mechanics.

3 FRAMEWORK Tango Unity SDK Tango Tablet Development Kit
Unity 3D Game Engine The Controller Emulator Server Backend

4 User Interface Swipe UP – throws the Fire pit, where force is controlled by swipe speed Swipe Down – clear the portals Swipe Left – Opens left portal Swipe Right – Opens right portal App button – functions as general purpose button (Accept Quest msgs)

5 User Experience Teleporter
Provides to the user an ability to traverse portable objects, freely in the scene Ray cast Finds closest object by shooting a ray into the scene and highlights the selected one.

6 Motion Tracking Tango device can track its own movement and orientation through 3D space. Walk around with a device and move it forward, backward, up, or down, or tilt it in any direction, and it can tell you where it is and which way it's facing. initialed with zero reference position (0,0,0) and track movement accordingly to that point

7 Depth perception The mesh rendering processing goes through few steps:
The Tango feeds the mesh renderer depth data allowing the renderer to find flat surfaces. Each surface is then transformed into a grid in which a square on that grid can then be meshed. the grid will have differently sized squares where point cloud is generated to coloring each mesh to better represent what is being mapped. Then we make the mesh be translucent

8 Server We have built a centralized UDP server. the "host" device is a pc running the server and when a client add an object, we would add that to the state of the server. The server is event based – there are position updates and player states movement – such as death, hit, shoot, etc. There is another server dedicated to generate creatures and control their actions in real time. The main info we upload is the vector and quaternion for position and orientation and a string with the name of the object we want to place & bullets when player shoot is recorded. Our main data structures are tiny (the largest is a string & 7 32 bit numbers) we chose small packets to overcome bad cellular receptions and compensate the lag by using udp protocol.

9 Mechanics Each user holds tight the Tango device while it initialized and pointed to the same orientation and place. Player mission is to defeat the bad guys (3D creatures) in the scene and cooperate while moving through the quests. The player move in the real world holding the Tango Device and the controller to navigate and shoot the enemies. He allowed to carry objects while moving The final quest is to build the puzzle in order to win the game.

10 Bibliography • Real Time Large Scale 3D Reconstruction Onboard a Mobile Device using Spatially- Hashed Signed Distance Fields • Appearance-Based Loop Closure Detection for Online Large-Scale and Long-Term Operation • Large-scale, Real-Time Visual-Inertial Localization • Accurate, Dense, and Robust Multi-View Stereopsis • Dense 3D Semantic Mapping of Indoor Scenes from RGB-D Images • 3D Modeling on the Go: Interactive 3D Reconstruction of Large-Scale Scenes on Mobile Devices • Large-Scale Location Recognition and the Geometric Burstiness Problem


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