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2 Friction   Friction is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching and creates heat. Friction can be helpful or harmful depending upon the situation.

3 Types of Friction 1. Sliding- sliding across a surface. The friction is between object and surface. Ex) sledding, braking, writing, etc. 2. Rolling- rolling across a surface (friction is between wheels and surface) Ex) bike, train, car, skates, etc. 3. Fluid- liquids and gases. Ex) swimming in water and air resistance against a car 4. Static- When a force is applied to an object, but the object does not move Ex) person sitting on a chair

4 Rougher Surfaces = More Friction Smoother Surfaces = Less Friction
Greater Force = More Friction Smaller Force = Less Friction

5 Preventing you from falling Wearing down parts on an engine Erosion
Helpful Friction Harmful Friction Brakes Writing Preventing you from falling Wearing down parts on an engine Erosion Can cause you to fall Ways to reduce Friction Ways to increase Friction Make surfaces smoother Lubricants like oil, wax, or grease Switch sliding to rolling friction Sandpaper on wood Make surfaces rougher Increase force Ice on a road, chains on tires, batting gloves.

6 Inertia= the tendency of objects to stay where they are until they are acted on by a force. Inertia must be overcome in order for an object to move. Balanced Forces= do not cause a change in motion. Therefore, the object is either not moving or moving at a constant rate. When you subtract the forces they equal zero (=0) or have no net force. They are equal in size and opposite in direction. Unbalanced Forces= do cause a change in motion. The object is in motion but not at a constant rate. When you subtract the forces they do not equal zero (>0), therefore creating a NET FORCE!

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