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ABOUT THE PRESENTER Prof. Jose J. Granda, PhD, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, California State University in Sacramento. He obtained his M.S,

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Presentation on theme: "ABOUT THE PRESENTER Prof. Jose J. Granda, PhD, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, California State University in Sacramento. He obtained his M.S,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ABOUT THE PRESENTER Prof. Jose J. Granda, PhD, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, California State University in Sacramento. He obtained his M.S, and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and Davis respectively. He is Chairman of the Technical Activity Committee on Bond Graph Modeling and Simulation of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS). The University of California, Davis gave him an award as the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award. The California State University awarded him the Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award. Prof. Granda is an expert in computer modeling and simulation of Mechatronics Dynamic Systems with experience in dynamics and design of ground and space vehicles. Since 2002, he has worked with NASA as a NASA Faculty Fellow, first at the NASA Langley Research Center as part of the Morphing Project and then at NASA Johnson Space Center as part of the engineering team of STS-114 Space Shuttle mission and the International Space Station. Prof. Granda also worked for NASA Ames and the Kennedy Space Center, invited by the Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD). He is one of NASA missions representatives who has served as NASA’s engineer Public Affairs Spokesman for STS-126, STS-124, STS-123, STS-122, STS-118, STS-117, STS-114, Space Shuttle and the International Space Station Missions. Currently a Visiting Professor at ETH in Zurich.

2 José J. Granda §, Louis Nguyen †, Sukhbir S Hundal§
MODELING THE COMPLETED SPACE STATION A THREE DIMENSIONAL RIGID-FLEXIBLE DYNAMIC MODEL TO PREDICT MODES OF VIBRATION AND STRESS ANALYSIS José J. Granda §, Louis Nguyen †, Sukhbir S Hundal§ § California State University, Sacramento. Department of Mechanical Engineering Sacramento, California, 95819 † NASA Johnson Space Center Integrated Navigation, Guidance and Control Analysis Branch, Houston, TX 77058 AIAA 2011 Conference and Exhibit 28 – 31 March, Hyatt Regency by the Arch St Louis, Missouri

3 Outline Introduction, Background Previous Work, Problem Statement and Approach Solid Modeling of the International Space Station SOLIDWORKS, PRO-ENGINEER From ISS Mission 12A to ISS Expedition 26 (STS-133 Model Assembly Dynamic Finite Element Analysis (NASTRAN 4D) Mission 3a, 12A Modes of Vibration Mission STS 124, STS-133 Modes of Vibration Dynamic Finite Element Analysis of ISS Missions with Space Shuttle, robotic arms SSRMS and SRMS Verification Results Conclusions

4 Analysis, of the International Space Station Mission 12A
BACKGROUND WORK Simplified Dynamic Model Generation and Vibration Analysis, of the International Space Station Mission 12A José J. Granda §, Louis Nguyen†, Montu Raval§ § California State University, Sacramento. Department of Mechanical Engineering Sacramento, California, 95819 † NASA Johnson Space Center Integrated Navigation, Guidance and Control Analysis Branch, Houston, TX 77058 AIAA 2007 Conference and Exhibit May Doubletree Hotel Sonoma Wine Country Rohnert Park, California

5 OBJECTIVES to be achieved
Need for dynamic engineering analysis for the study of stresses, modes of vibration, control of space maneuvers for ISS and Space Shuttle Analysis of Shuttle, Robotic Arms, ISS as a whole system Modal analysis Guidance and control of flight Orbiter Repair Maneuvers Provide NASA engineers with new alternative methods to study: Deflections Forces Vibrations on ISS Position Control

6 Fundamental Methodology


8 Development of the International Space Station Model Mission 3A
Real System Computer Model OBJECTIVES: Modes of vibration analysis, Contact Analysis, Stress Analysis,

9 Zarya

10 Soyuz

11 Mobile Base Station, Robotic Arm and Space Shuttle

12 Assembly of Mission12a, Shuttle and Station Arm

13 Missions Focus: Missions Launch Dates* STS-126
November 14, 2008 (Launched) STS-119 February 12, 2009 STS-125 Under Review STS-127 May 15, 2009 STS-128 July 30, 2009 STS-129 October 15, 2009 STS-130 December 10, 2009 STS-131 February 11, 2010 STS-132 April 23, 2010 STS-133 May 31, 2010 STS = Space Transportation System *

14 Mission STS 119 NASA’s Model: SOLIDWORKS Model’s: Solar Arrays
S6 Truss Segment and Solar Arrays Assembled S6 Truss Segment

15 Mission STS 127 NASA’s Model: SOLIDWORKS Model’s: JEM Exposed Facility
JEM-EF and ELM-ES Assembled ELM-ES

16 Mission STS 130 NASA’s Model: SOLIDWORKS Model’s: Node 3 and Cupola
Assembled Node 3 Cupola

17 Mission STS 132 NASA’s Model: SOLIDWORKS Model’s:
Multipurpose Laboratory Module Multipurpose Laboratory Module

18 Mission STS 132 NASA’s Model: SOLIDWORKS Model’s:
European Robotic Arm (ERA) European Robotic Arm (ERA)

19 Configuration at STS-124

20 Configuration at STS-133

21 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS Solid Model becomes Dynamic Finite Element Model
Export the solid model into a dynamic Finite Element analysis environment Visual Nastran4D FEA analysis of Mission 3A, 12A Continue on to Expedition 26 Dynamic Stress Analysis Modes of vibration

22 Dynamic Finite Element Model Mission 3A Flexible Body Modes
10th Mode 9th Mode 11th Mode 12th Mode

23 FEA stress Analysis with Rigid Constraints

24 FEA Stress Analysis With Displacement Output (Damping Constraints)

25 Model data comparison Validating the computer model with the real system Verification of the model center of mass with real system center of mass. NASA’s Center of Mass Location: Computer Model’s Center of Mass Location X-axis (m) Y-axis (m) Z-axis (m) -4.18 -0.90 +3.02 Center of Mass Location X-axis (m) Y-axis (m) Z-axis (m) -4.40 -0.50 +4.04

26 Center of Mass Location
Data comparison Comparison between Computer Model and NASA Model Center of Mass Location: Conclusion: Differences in CG Location is very small Model can proceed with analysis Center of Mass Location X-axis (m) Y-axis (m) Z-axis (m) +0.22 +1.02 26

27 Dynamic Analysis in Nastran4D
Modes of Vibration ISS Station at 15 modes Space Shuttle and Station Arm 25 modes Stress Analysis on ISS Station

28 Nastran 4D – Modes of Vibration of Space Shuttle and Station Arm
21st Mode of Vibration at 23 Hz 22nd Mode of Vibration at 23.7 Hz 24th Mode of Vibration at 26.9 Hz 25th Mode of Vibration at 27.5 Hz 28

29 Nastran 4D – Modes of Vibration of Space Shuttle and Station Arm
7th Mode of Vibration at Hz 10th Mode of Vibration at 3.25 Hz 15th Mode of Vibration at 12.1 Hz 16th Mode of Vibration at 13.8 Hz 29

30 FEA Results – Modes of Vibration of Station Arm.
Space Shuttle Coupling Arm4-1 Arm3-1 Arm2-1 Arm1-1 1 3.31E-5 2 2.56E-5 3 6.91E-5 8.04E-5 4 1.19E-5 7.66 5 1.69E-5 8.43 6 3.14E-5 15.9 7 17.1 17.3 8 21.1 47.9 9 25.9 49.9 10 26.5 87.6 11 42.3 95.9 12 49 120 13 58.8 131 14 641 193

31 Mode 9 Mode 10 Mode 12 Mode 11

32 Mode 14 Mode 13 Mode 15

33 FEA Results of Space Shuttle
Msc. Nastran Results Modes Frequency(Hz) 1 2.55E-5 2 2.17E-5 3 2.05E-5 4 2.42E-5 5 3.12E-5 6 3.57E-5 7 17.1 8 21.2 9 25.9 Msc. Nastran Results Modes Frequency(Hz) 10 28.5 11 42.3 12 45 13 58.9 14 64.1 15 75.6

34 Solid model converted into Analysis model
Imported SOLIDWORKS Model into Nastran 4D as a Parasolid File

35 Nastran 4D – Mesh Analysis
Properties of Modes of Vibration

36 Nastran4D – Modes of Vibration of ISS
6th Mode of Vibration 7th Mode of Vibration 8th Mode of Vibration 9th Mode of Vibration

37 Nastran 4D – Modes of Vibration of ISS
13th Mode of Vibration 11th Mode of Vibration 14th Mode of Vibration 15th Mode of Vibration 37

38 Nastran 4D – Modes of Vibration of Space Shuttle and Station Arm
Applied Properties and Meshed in Nastran 4D 38

39 Stress Analysis on ISS Truss
Applied Dual Forces at 6000 Newton

40 Stress Analysis on Station Arm
Applied a 6000 N Force

41 Computer Simulation of Space Maneuvers linking Model to Control Analysis
Roll/Yaw/Pitch Moment Feedback Control: Simulink attempt to control the Station in X, Y, Z Direction 41

42 Conclusion/Future Work
Complete computer models of ISS Shuttle and Arms were developed as solid models in 3D Models were converted into Analysis Models for vibration and control analysis of ISS Station, Space shuttle and Station arms Modes of vibration were studied individually and together Data comparison validates the approach Further research: Using thee models develop and study methodologies for controlling ISS Station in all six degrees if freedom. Integration with MATLAB and SIMULINK Revisit previous studies and compare new results and evaluate improvement

43 THE END 34















58 3D Modeling and FEA Analysis of Shuttle Arm.
Length 15.2m (50ft.) Diameter 38cm (15 in.) Weight on Earth 410Kg (905 lbs.) Speed of Movement Unloaded 60 cm/sec. (2 ft. /sec.)  Loaded 6 cm/sec. (2.4 in. /sec.) Upper & Lower Arm Boom Carbon Composite Material Wrist Joint Three degrees of movement (pitch +/- 120º, yaw  +/- 120º, roll +/- 447º) Elbow Joint One degree of movement (pitch +2º to - 160º) Shoulder Joint Two degrees of movement (pitch +145º to -2, yaw +/- 180º) Translational Hand Controller Right, up, down forward, and backward movement of the arm Rotational Hand Controller Controls the pitch, roll, and yaw of the arm

59 Modes of Vibration of Shuttle Arm.

60 Mode 6 Mode 5 Mode 7 Mode 8

61 Mode 10 Mode 9 Mode 11 Mode 12

62 Considerations for ORM’s
Mobile Base Station has 7 degrees of freedom achieved by movement of 7 motorized joints Mobile Base Station moves at a slow speed with max. speed of 37 cm/s and low speed of 1.2 cm/s At any point of time, no more than 6 motorized joints can be operated Define motion of each individual Motor constraint as angular position, velocity, or acceleration

63 Modes of Vibration of Space Shuttle

64 Mode 6 Mode 5 Mode 7 Mode 8

65 Future work Different ORM configurations
Analyze FEA (stress analysis) during the ORM Guidance and Control System together with Finite Element model Interface Visual Nastran and Simulink

66 Conclusions New procedure to generate complex computer models for dynamic analysis of a set of flexible and rigid bodies has been presented Method mixes two technologies (SOLIDWORKS-NASTRAN4D) Drafting and three dimensional conceptual designs Dynamic Finite Element Models Plant model can be extracted from three dimensional model in the form of a multi-input, multi-output block Therefore the guidance and control system can also be designed (NASTRAN4D-SIMULINK)


68 END

69 Assembly of Mission 3a











80 Mode 14 Mode 13 Mode 15




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