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Global Learning Village Frank McGuire. One Stop Hubs Vision: The Global Learning Village delivers a unique community focus on attitude, education and.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Learning Village Frank McGuire. One Stop Hubs Vision: The Global Learning Village delivers a unique community focus on attitude, education and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Learning Village Frank McGuire

2 One Stop Hubs Vision: The Global Learning Village delivers a unique community focus on attitude, education and opportunity, the attributes that largely determine where people end up in life. Aim: To deliver smarter, healthier, better connected and sustainable communities.

3 21 st Century Communities The Global Learning Village is designed to provide the social infrastructure necessary for 21st Century communities in areas that need it most. It can be established in conjunction with schools, libraries, childcare centres, sporting facilities or community hubs for the elderly.

4 Coordinated Partnerships The Global Learning Village strategy is to co-ordinate partnerships between the three tiers of Government; business big and small; the community, not-for-profit and philanthropic sectors and the academy to maximise results.

5 Extreme Impact Establishing the Global Learning Village in Broadmeadows, a suburb long regarded as the end of the line, has had an profound impact. Not only was it beyond the realm of expectation but it defied what was considered to be the immutable laws of power, politics and money.

6 Rudd can follow Broadmeadows lead The Age 18 April 2008 Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, Deputy Prime Minister & Education Minister, Julia Gillard and the Ministers for Broadband, Local Government, Infrastructure, Finance and Innovation all support the GLV model. The Parliamentary secretary for Social Inclusion, Senator Ursula Stephens recently declared: Frank McGuires Global Learning Village has been a model of how access to education and information can change lives.

7 1) The Global Learning Village will help connect Australias most significant nation building projects to the community: the multi-billion dollar infrastructure stimulus for improving schools and libraries, the Education Revolution and the $43 billion national roll out of high-speed broadband. GLV hubs will play a pivotal role and help maximise the value for spend. 2) The GLV aims to co-locate appropriate departments & services from the three-tiers of Government as anchor tenants - instead of them acting like separate holding companies. By signing long-term leases, these departments will underwrite each GLV. 3) Make the GLV a foundation for new suburbs, towns and cities. 4) Use Global Learning Villages to retrofit disadvantaged areas left behind. Value for Spend

8 Life-long learning model: established in libraries. Health model: with maternal & childcare centres, super clinics & kiosks. Sport & Recreation model: with local clubs & national sporting bodies. Childcare to Business Skills

9 Built & Virtual Communities The Global Learning Village provides computer access to connect the disconnected to the Internet instead of poker machines. It links people to a network otherwise beyond their reach that has already blossomed into more than 500 organisations from neighbourhood houses and skills shops to TAFE colleges and universities. It delivers access to pre-school reading classes, mentoring for homework and literacy, training for lifelong learning, jobs, small business development and recreation from sport and martial arts to belly dancing.

10 The GLV combines funding partnerships between governments, sponsorship deals with major companies including Ford, Visy and The Age and collaboration with the local community. Public-Private-Community

11 International Partners World leaders in ICT Bill Gates, his company Microsoft, Intel and Cisco are also partners in helping the Global Learning Village to use the Internet and high-speed broadband to bridge the divides to opportunity in the digital age.

12 The Global Learning Village is a model for practical Federalism, has been acknowledged with two Prime Ministers awards from John Howard, embraced by the Rudd Government and been internationally acclaimed for underwriting prosperity because it is established on economic and social grounds. International Acclaim

13 Prosperity & Growth The Global Learning Village has been presented to Australian Governments as a necessary foundation for the new fringe suburbs, towns and cities to develop human capital and underwrite future prosperity. Frank McGuire has research defining the needs of various communities according to population size and the social infrastructure necessary to build their communities.

14 Broadmeadows 1959Broadmeadows 2004, courtesy The Age Frank McGuire (O417) 505401. © 2007 Global Learning Village Pty. Ltd. All ideas and concepts expressed in this presentation belong to Global Learning Village Pty. Ltd. None of them can be used, reproduced, stored or communicated without the companys consent. All rights reserved.

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