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China Patent Practice Nongfan Zhu, Ph.D. Yanqin Song

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1 China Patent Practice Nongfan Zhu, Ph.D. Yanqin Song
China Science Patent and Trademark Agent Ltd. September 2006

2 Evolution of Legal Environment
CSPTAL Evolution of Legal Environment Future (~ 2020) IP enforcement at world class levels Sophisticated business laws & regulations Predictable results from courts Enforcement of judgment “Bu Zhidao” “Mei You” “Bu Keyi” Everything prohibited unless specifically permitted No transparency -“neibu” regulations Primitive IP laws Then (~ 1990) Reasonable transparency – consultation on laws Major IP laws at international standard Increasing predictability in courts Some enforcement Now (~ 2005)

3 Chinese Patent Law Original patent law effective on April 1, 1985
First amendment to patent effective on January 1, 1993 Chemical, medicine, food and beverage became patentable subject matter Second amendment to patent effective on July 1, 2001 Third amendment under legislation process, expected to be in 2008

4 CSPTAL Patent Applications

5 Top 10 Filing By MNCs in 2005 Rank Company Appln. No. 1 Samsung 3508 2
Matsushita 3042 3 Philips 2709 4 Sony 1652 5 LG Electronics 1424 6 IBM 1213 7 Toshiba 1177 8 Epson 1119 9 Samsung SDI 1052 10 Canon 940

6 Patentees and Category of Patents
Qualified applicant and patentee classified by nationality Chinese Foreigners Invention Any new technical solution relating to a product, a process or improvement thereof 20 years Utility model Any new technical solution relating to the shape, the structure, or their combination, of a product, which is fit for practical use 10 years Design Any new design of the shape, the pattern or their combination, or the combination of the color with shape or pattern, of a product, which creates an aesthetic feeling and is fit for industrial application

7 Subject Matters of Patent
Subject matters excluded from patent Scientific discoveries Rules and methods for mental activities Methods for the diagnosis or for the treatment of diseases Animal and plant varieties (except processes used in producing products) Substances obtained by means of nuclear transformation

8 First-to-File Nation First-to-file rule
Where two or more applicants file applications for patent for the identical invention-creation, the patent right shall be granted to the applicant whose application was filed first Filing same applications at the same day The applicants negotiate Prohibition of double patenting For any identical invention-creation, only one patent right shall be granted

9 Patentability Novelty Inventiveness Formality Comparative novelty
Prior use within China establishes public knowledge Sales outside China, regardless how long, is not novelty destroying!!! Absolute novelty Worldwide publications Manner of publications Internet publications (clarified in the revised exam. guidelines) Inventiveness Formality Sufficient disclosure, support, technical characteristics and clarity

10 Examination and Grant Examination procedure
Preliminary examination Publication at the expiration of 18 months Request for substantive examination(within three years from the filing date) Substantive examination Grant or final rejection of patent application Current patent examination status Invention-24 months Utility Model-11 months Design-8 months

11 Revised Examination Guidelines
Substantive examination - how to determine Insufficient disclosure Lack of support Necessary technical characteristics Clarity of claim language Application procedure Divisional applications Claim of priority Double patenting Invention patent application v. utility model application

12 Divisional Applications
Time to file a divisional application Anytime while the parent application is pending In case of allowance - within 2 months from the notice of allowance; or In case of final rejection, within 3 months from the final rejection if no reexamination is initiated If reexamination is initiated, any time during the reexamination proceeding If appeal to the court on reexamination decision is initiated, anytime before the final rejection comes into effect Time to file a sub-divisional application The parent application is still pending; or The office action indicates the absence of unity in the divisional application

13 Protection of Patent Right
Scope of protection of patent right The extent shall be determined by the terms of claims. The description and the appended drawings may be used to interpret the claims Equivalent rule the extent of protection of patent right includes the extent determined by the technical features equivalent to the necessary technical features

14 Issues in US-origin Applications
CSPTAL Issues in US-origin Applications Incorrect inclusion of unpatentable subject matter Business method, computer software Failure to utilize novelty standard Failure to observe formality rules in submission in China “Lack of support” objections Fewer embodiments v. broader claims “Insufficient disclosure” objections Less experimental data to prove the effect of invention Short prior art description US has IDS

15 Support by the Description
“The claims shall be supported by the description” (article 26 of the patent law) Meaning: there should have sufficient number of examples in the description to support the generic term used in the claim, so as to enable those skilled in the art to carry out all the Inventions covered by the generic term and achieve the objects of the invention If a claim includes a step of “heating the raw materials at a temperature of 50 to 900℃”, to support this generic term The description should include at least two embodiments with heating temperatures at 50℃ and 900℃ respectively A third embodiment with a temperature between 50 and 900℃ provides a full support to the claim

16 Practical Tips China has a stricter requirement on support
No new examples are allowed to be added into the description To overcome the objection Include more than one embodiment for any generic term in the claim Provide technical description for any feature to be claimed Argue that claims are entitled to appropriate generalization derived from the entire description Argue from the technical point of view and cite prior art references to support the generalization Supplementary examples, although no entry, may influence the Examiner’s decision Examination results of foreign equivalent applications may also influence the Examiner Narrow claims to a less generic term

17 Supplemental Experimental Data
For the rejections regarding “not support by the description” and “insufficient disclosure”, the supplemental examples and experimental data filed after filing date will not considered by the examiner. Only for the rejections involved in inventive step, the supplemental effect data filed after filing date can be considered by the examiner.

18 CSPTAL Overall Suggestions Consider prosecution history estoppels in making amendments and arguments Tendency to take path of least resistance They should argue more Communicate well with patent office Exchange views with the examiner Make necessary concession Engage reexamination procedure Include useful dependent claims More ammunition in invalidation proceedings

19 Proposed Revision to Patent Law
Filing in China first for an invention made in China For article 20, “any Chinese entity or individual” is revised to “any entity or individual” For article 64, “where any entity or individual, in violation of the provisions of article 20 of this law, files first in a foreign country an application for a patent for invention made in China, no patent right shall be granted for an application filed in China for the above invention” Absolute novelty standard (articles 22 and 23) For invention and utility model patents, prior art means that, before the date of filing, technology publicly disclosed in publications or publicly used or made known to the public by any other means in the country or abroad

20 Proposed Revision to Patent Law
Enhanced patent enforcement provisions Grant patent administrative department a compulsory power in investigation, seal up, seizure and confiscation (article 57) Add pre-suit evidence preservation and provision of laches (articles 60-62) Inclusion of doctrine of equivalence and estoppels These doctrines are codified from current judicial interpretations

21 Proposed Revision to Patent Law
Statutory damage award Up to RMB1,000,000 from RMB500,000 Clarification on non-infringement acts Allowing parallel import Clarifying source and range of prior use Clarifying concept of scientific research and experimentation Allowing the use of an expiring drug patent for purpose of submitting information required in administrative approval for entering the market after the expiry of the patent

22 Concerned Provisions Compulsory licensing Right of co-owner of patent
Articles 14, 48, 52(A3) Right of co-owner of patent Genetic resources Article 25 re acquisition or exploitation Article 26 re identification of source

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