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A Holistic Approach to Collection Development

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1 A Holistic Approach to Collection Development
What’s the Right Mix? A Holistic Approach to Collection Development

2 Presenters MODERATOR Kim Anderson Senior Collection Development Manager GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO PANELISTS Shannon Burke Discovery Services Librarian Neumann Library University of Houston Clear-Lake Eric Wedig Coordinator for Scholarly Resources, Social Sciences Tulane University

3 Agenda Neumann Library University of Houston-Clear Lake
Overview of Library Library Collection Development Approach Tulane University Q&A with Panelists Key Takeaways Questions

4 University of Houston-Clear Lake
Overview University Founded in 1974 as an upper-level university on a 524-acre nature and wildlife preserve In 2014, expanded to include freshman and sophomore courses Total Enrollment: 8,669 Alfred R. Neumann Library: 30 staff, 13 liaison librarians 500,000 volumes 400,000 e-books 80,000 journals 40,000 streaming video 200 databases K-12 curriculum library & juvenile collection

5 Tulane University Tulane University Howard-Tilton Memorial Library
Overview Tulane University Major private research University Enrollment 13,700 (7,000 undergraduates, 6,000 graduate and professional students) Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Tulane University’s main library Nearly 4 million volumes 700+ database subscriptions 100+ computers with specialized software 38,000+ audio recordings 21,000+ DVDs and streaming video

6 How do you manage more with less at your library, e. g
How do you manage more with less at your library, e.g. space, staff or budget? Communication with all stakeholders is key Limited staff has always been present DDA has allowed for access to new titles during times of minimal firm orders due to limited budget Think creatively Two new floors on Howard-Tilton Memorial Library Even with 200 additional seats for users not enough space to meet demand Have had nearly complete turnover in Acquisitions staff Liaison Librarians have many new duties in addition to collection development More of budget used for new initiatives less for collections

7 What are the challenges you face in your Collection Development Program and what would you change?
Accounting for lower-level materials and a variety of formats on a decreasing budget Ensuring our collections are utilized Take more action on findings from data Online Master’s Program in in Tulane School of Social Work (first major online degree program at Tulane) Would not change many things in our approach, but would have liked to have used analytics more robustly in many of our decisions regarding journal packages and monograph selection. Less money for monographs

8 Describe your library’s acquisition models in order of most used to least used
Print firm orders DDA E-book firm orders Approval plans E-book packages  Approval Plans Firm Orders E-Book preferred approval plans E-Book packages DDA

9 How do you manage and balance the mix of acquisition models?
Monitor needs and usage specific to UHCL Use data and feedback from users to inform our decisions Continually evaluating practices & models Work closely with our faculty and graduate students to understand their research needs and how we can meet them with resources. In the social sciences we incorporate e-book packages and e-book firm orders. Gauge the trends that other research libraries are following and apply to our situation Understand that with limited resources we must be careful that what we purchase is going to be used

10 Balance + The Right “Mix” + Holistic Approach = Recipe for Success
Key Takeaways Balance + The Right “Mix” + Holistic Approach = Recipe for Success

11 Questions? Kim Anderson Senior Collection Development Manager
GOBI Library Solutions from EBSCO Shannon Burke Discovery Services Librarian Neumann Library University of Houston-Clear Lake Eric Wedig Coordinator for Scholarly Resources, Social Sciences Tulane University

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