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Coast to Coast Year 2 – Term 5 Maths

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1 Coast to Coast Year 2 – Term 5 Maths
Fractions – learning about simple fractions ½, ¼, ¾ and shading areas of shapes, finding simple fractions of numbers. Completing turns and thinking about angles – finding shapes with right angles in them. Working out missing values in number statements using all 4 operations. Continuing to work out multiplication by drawing arrays and counting in groups of. Solving division by sharing and grouping. Time – telling the time to nearest quarter hour or 5 minute intervals. Beginning to link to digital clocks. Continuing to work on times-table knowledge and recognition of number facts. Problem Solving skills. Science Identifying signs of seasonal change – exploring the pond habitat. Habitats and variation Plants – identifying plants found in the local environment. Labelling parts of the plant and understanding what they need in order to survive. Sorting animals into vertebrates and invertebrates. Literacy Drama – hot seating characters and creating freeze-frames of key parts of stories. Adding speech and thought bubbles to scenes. Character study – The Lighthouse Keeper stories. Writing a character / setting description and using adjectives. Writing speech bubbles. Planning a story and writing our own story about The Lighthouse Keeper. Reflecting on our work and editing to improve it. Sentence work – embedding basic sentence structure and punctuation. Using connectives and including more adventurous vocabulary. Newspaper articles about Grace Darling’s rescue mission. Guided Reading and Comprehension activities. Coast to Coast Computing ‘We are Treasure-Hunters’ unit of work. Recording an algorithm, programming a robot and debugging. Geography Identifying the countries, capital cities and seas and oceans of the United Kingdom. Using atlases and maps to find answers to questions. Making and labelling our own maps. Learning about the coast of Britain – focus on Lighthouses. What are they used for? Where can they be found? Features of the coast and looking after the environment. Grace Darling’s famous lighthouse rescue – history focus. Music Da Capo scheme of work. Singing Sea Shanties Exploring instruments. PSHE Learn 4 Life – Healthy bodies, healthy minds. Recognising and managing our feelings and emotions. Truthfulness as whole school value. Why is it important to always tell the truth? Learning skills and applying ourselves in the classroom. Art/DT Painting and using water colours. Including more detail in our pictures. Using Modroc to build a class sculpture of a lighthouse. RE Key Question: Does going to a mosque give Muslims a sense of belonging? Continuing with children’s own Something to Think About during class worship. PE Indoor – movement and dance skills. Outdoor – Games skills. Year 2 – Term 5

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