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Presentation, Graphic Organizers, & Activities

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1 Presentation, Graphic Organizers, & Activities
Latin America’s ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES Presentation, Graphic Organizers, & Activities

2 SS6G2 The student will discuss environmental issues in Latin America.
STANDARDS: SS6G2 The student will discuss environmental issues in Latin America. a. Explain the major environmental concerns of Latin America regarding the issues of air pollution in Mexico City, Mexico, the destruction of the rain forest in Brazil, and oil-related pollution in Venezuela. © Brain Wrinkles

3 Latin America’s Environmental Issues
© Brain Wrinkles ILLUSTRATION SOLUTION EFFECTS PROBLEM Air Pollution in Mexico City Directions: Complete the chart below with information that you learn during the presentation. If time allows, color your illustrations. Latin America’s Environmental Issues Deforestation of the Amazon Rain forest Oil Pollution in Venezuela

4 Latin America’s Environmental Issues
Strict laws on emissions & how often you can drive your car Respiratory illnesses Factory & automobile emissions; mountains trap in pollution Protected areas; planting new trees Loss of habitat for millions of species; climate change Road building, farming, cattle ranching, logging, mining Environmen-tal groups help clean up; new gov. policies that focus on environment-tal proctection Environment is destroyed; fish are killed, water sources are contaminated Oils spills & contaminated oil pits © Brain Wrinkles ILLUSTRATION SOLUTION EFFECTS PROBLEM Air Pollution in Mexico City Directions: Complete the chart below with information that you learn during the presentation. If time allows, color your illustrations. Latin America’s Environmental Issues Destruction of the Amazon Rain forest Oil Pollution in Venezuela

5 Latin America’s Environmental Issues
Air pollution in Mexico City, the destruction of the rain forest in Brazil, & oil-related pollution in Venezuela © Brain Wrinkles

6 Air Pollution in Mexico City
© Brain Wrinkles

7 Mexico City Nearly 20 million people live in Mexico City.
It’s the second most populated city in the world--Tokyo is first. The city’s population & location contribute to its bad air pollution problem. It’s considered to be one of the most polluted cities in the world! © Brain Wrinkles

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10 Causes Mexico City’s air pollution is caused by emissions from cars and factories. The Sierra Madre mountains are like walls that surround the city and trap in polluted air. © Brain Wrinkles

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13 Results Mexico City has a high elevation. There is less oxygen so fuels don’t fully burn. This makes a higher level of gas, which can harm eyes, lungs, & the heart. People living in the city breathe in toxic gases and chemicals, which can lead to respiratory diseases. © Brain Wrinkles

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15 Solutions To reduce air pollution, the city promotes public transportation (buses, subway, bikes, etc.). The city is also testing buses that run on cleaner burning fuels. The Mexican government is starting to limit how often you can drive your car and has adopted stricter emission inspections. © Brain Wrinkles

16 Destruction of the Amazon Rain Forest
© Brain Wrinkles

17 Amazon Rain Forest It’s the largest rain forest left in the world.
Most of the rain forest is in Brazil. It experiences a hot, humid, & rainy tropical climate. It’s home to a huge variety of plants, trees, insects, birds, & animals. It produces 1/3 of the earth’s oxygen! © Brain Wrinkles

18 © Brain Wrinkles

19 Deforestation In the 1950s, the Brazilian government began building a major highway system. This opened the rain forest to loggers. Huge parts of the rain forest are being cut down to plant crops using the “slash and burn” farming method. Cattle ranching and mining have also become prevalent in this area. © Brain Wrinkles

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24 Results Millions of plants & animals are losing their homes.
Many are endangered, and some are becoming extinct. The loss of trees increases carbon dioxide, a gas that contributes to global warming. © Brain Wrinkles

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27 Solutions The government is working to fix the deforestation problem by setting aside large protected areas. Brazil’s government has also set up programs to plant new trees where old ones have been cut down. © Brain Wrinkles

28 Oil Pollution In Venezuela
© Brain Wrinkles

29 Venezuela It’s one of the world’s leading producers of oil.
It has been producing oil for about 100 years. Oil production has boosted the economy and provides about 50% of its revenue. It’s the main source of income for many people. Oil production results in toxic wastes, air pollution, & oil spills. © Brain Wrinkles

30 Causes Venezuela’s coast has become polluted with oil.
Oil spills have damaged the environment. Oil spills also hurt the ability of fishermen to earn a living because fish are killed. Contaminated oil pits have seeped into Venezuela’s water sources. © Brain Wrinkles

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33 Results Venezuela leads South America in the production of carbon dioxide, which is a by-product of burning fossil fuels like natural gas & oil. This can cause breathing problems for children & elderly. It also contributes to global warming. © Brain Wrinkles

34 Results Oil businesses have damaged Lake Maracaibo (largest lake in South America). Large amounts of oil have been removed from the area so the land is changing. The eastern shore of the lake is dropping about three inches a year. The government is having to take precautions to keep water from flooding into nearby towns. © Brain Wrinkles

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37 Problem Money from selling oil is the country’s main source of income.
Venezuelans are motivated to keep producing, selling, and burning oil--and polluting—because it boosts their economy. © Brain Wrinkles

38 Solutions People are becoming aware that the cost in the long term may be too great. Groups are calling for renewable energy sources and the clean-up and prevention of pollution. Venezuela’s state oil company is starting to clean up its oil pits and has a new policy that focuses on environmental protection. © Brain Wrinkles

39 TEACHER INFO: Bumper Sticker
Print out the Bumper Sticker handout for each student The students will choose one of the issues from the lesson and create a bumper sticker that educates others about the issue. *You may want to show them a few examples of actual bumper stickers (from the internet). © Brain Wrinkles

40 Bumper Sticker Directions: Create a bumper sticker with a short statement or message convincing others who read it to solve one of the issues that we discussed in class. The bumper sticker MUST have: 1. Thoughtful message or statement describing your choice of which issue to solve. 2. Colorful visual 3. Underneath your creation, describe the issue and your ideas for how it can be solved. © Brain Wrinkles

41 TEACHER INFO: Superhero Writing
Print off Superhero Writing directions/ rubric and the Superhero Poster (boy or girl version) to each student. The students will create a superhero who solves one of LA’s environmental issues. © Brain Wrinkles

42 Superhero Writing Project
Directions: Use your Environmental Concerns chart (and your imagination) to create a superhero who cleans up an environmental problem in Latin America. Be creative! Yes, it can be silly, as long as it works!  Part One {Poster}: (25 Points) Superhero’s Name & Your Name Environmental Concern Superpower Solutions Part Two: (25 Points) One paragraph description of the Environmental Concern (what’s the problem, where it is happening, how it is affecting land/people, etc.) Part Three: (25 Points) One paragraph description of the superhero (what’s his/her superpower, what can he/she do that other people can’t, what does he/she look like, etc.) Part Four: (25 Points) One paragraph description of how the superhero solves the environmental problem TOTAL: 100 Points (Should you write in complete sentences with CAPITAL LETTERS and PUNCTUATION? YES! ) © Brain Wrinkles Superhero Writing Project Environmental Issues

43 To the Rescue! Superhero: ______________ Country’s Problems:
Superpower Solutions: © 2014 Brain Wrinkles

44 To the Rescue! Superhero: ______________ Country’s Problems:
Superpower Solutions: © 2014 Brain Wrinkles

Have students create 3 emoticon symbols to represent each topic from today’s lesson. On the back of the slip, students will write a brief description of each emoji and how it is significant to the topic. © Brain Wrinkles

46 Name: Name: #Emojis #Emojis Create 3 emoticons to depict each topic from today’s lesson. On the back of this slip, describe the importance of each emoji. Create 3 emoticons to depict each topic from today’s lesson. On the back of this slip, describe the importance of each emoji. © Brain Wrinkles © Brain Wrinkles

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