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Janie Ramirez 1st Period September 6, 2012

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1 Janie Ramirez 1st Period September 6, 2012
My Life. Janie Ramirez 1st Period September 6, 2012

2 About Me …. Am 14 years old turning 15 on September 13. I was born and raised in San Rafael most of my life, but then moved down to Los Angles. Are family moved a lot when we were little. We kept moving back and fourth from L.A, Vallejo and San Rafael. We then settled down and lived in Petaluma. I have been living here for 4 years and a half. I have two sisters and one brother. My sister Tanya is 12 years old, and my brother Victor is 8 years old and the smallest is my sister Andrea she is 3 years old. I have two dogs, their names are Daisy and Marley, and I had a third one her name was Cupid but we gaved her away. We named her Cupid, because she was born on Valentines Day.

3 Travels …. When I grow up, I want to travel to many places. The first place I want to travel is New York, I want to go their on New Years Eve. I will also like to go Cancun, Hawaii, Puerto Vaiarta because I love the beach. Paris will also be one of the places I would like to travel. One place I have yet not decided to go to is Mexico. I have never went to Mexico, but they say it is really pretty over there. But before I even start traveling, I have to get over my fear of heights.

4 Favorites …. I have a lot of favorites some of them are. Shoes, I love shoes whether their Uggs, sandals, Vans, Jordan's, high heals. I Just love shoes. My favorite movies, are The last song, the huger games, Twilight series, The Vow and many more. My favorite amusement park is DISNEYLAND! I love going their because you don’t have to be a certain age to like Disney. You could be 35 and still like to go on the rides. My current favorite song right now is ‘All The Right Moves’ By One Republic. The first time I heard to this song was at my cousins Quince (15th party), and I just fell in love with it. One of my favorite things to do on my spare time is write.

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