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Presentation on theme: "PROVISION OF RELIEF AS PER SDRF/ NDRF NORMS & DAMAGE ASSESSMENT NORMS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Approved Natural Calamities
Flood Drought Fire Hailstorm Cyclone Earthquake Tsunami Landslide Avalanche Cloud Burst Pest Attack Cold Wave/ Frost

3 Other Natural Calamities
Lightning Heat Wave Whirlwind Tornado Boat Accidents

4 Death due to calamities
Year Flood Lightning fire accident Sun stroke Hailstorm/ whirlwind/ tornado Total 105 204 33 21 2 365 91 351 47 8 518 110 329 26 71 557 59 214 30 89 19 411 10 230 22 100 20 382 Total: 375 1328 132 328 70 2233 Avg. per year 75 266 66 14 447 % of total 16.78% 59.5% 5.82% 14.77% 3.13%

5 Arrangement for financing Disaster Relief
State Disaster Response Fund National Disaster Response Fund Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund Chief Minister’s Relief Fund Funding under Plan Budget

6 State Disaster Response Fund
Funds made available to every State at the fixed rate determined by Finance Commission Rs.451 crore for financial year Central Govt.-75% : State Govt.-25% Norms of expenditure from SDRF/ NDRF Latest Norms available in SRC’s website

7 National Disaster Response Fund
Corpus is maintained at Government of India level Financial assistance is granted from NDRF in case of a calamity of severe nature following prescribed procedure. Memorandum Inter-Ministerial Central Team Inter-Ministerial Group High Level Committee

8 Entitlements of people affected by Disasters

9 Food Assistance Kinds of Assistance : Emergent assistance
Ad hoc food assistance, or Food assistance on cards

10 Emergent Assistance For people marooned during a disaster
Distribution of Chuda, Muddhi, Gur, Salt, Kerosene, Match boxes including cooked food and clothing. Collector/ Sub Collector- up to 3 days RDC up to 7 days cumulatively SRC- up to 15 days cumulatively Government-beyond 15 days cumulatively

11 Adhoc Food Assistance When distress conditions persist
Persons attending the sick or infant children who cannot go out and earn their livelihood. Able-bodied persons but temporarily rendered weak due to want of food, malnutrition or as result of illness. People deprived of cooking their food due to inundation. To be sanctioned by Collector for specific households

12 Food assistance on card Sanctioned to prevent starvation any time
Eligibility (i) Mentally challenged persons (ii) Crippled or invalid persons (iii) Blind persons (iv) Advanced age or physical infirmity (v) Helpless widows (vi) Persons attending sick or infant children (vii) Able-bodied persons weak due to want of food, malnutrition or illness.

13 Sanction of Food Assistance on Cards
Sarpanch/ Chairperson of ULBs/ Mayor of Municipal Corporation-up to 10 days BDO up to 30 days Sub-Collector - up to 45 days Collector - up to 120 days

14 Ex-gratia in case of Death
Rs.1,50,000/- per person under SDRF for 12 approved calamities No age and income bar Scale same for any no. of persons of a family

15 Ex-gratia in case of Death
Boat Accident-Rs.1,50,000/- from SDRF/ CMRF Lightning- Rs.1,50,000/- from CMRF Tornado/ whirlwind- Rs.1,50,000/- from CMRF Heatwave-Rs.10,000/- from CMRF Snakebite during Flood - Rs.1,50,000/- from SDRF Snakebite during normal period - NIL Death due to Heavy Rain- NIL Drowning during normal period - NIL.

16 Death Due to Disasters Inform within 24 hours with details Initiate case record for sanction of ex-gratia. Ex-gratia to be sanctioned by Collector in favour of bereaved family members. Disbursement within 7 days from available cash. Maintain a register showing details.

17 Assistance in case of Injury
Loss of limb or eyes (>80%) – Rs.62,000/- Loss of limb or eyes (40-80%) – Rs.43,500/- Grievous injury requiring hospitalization for more than one week- Rs.9,300/- Grievous injury requiring hospitalization for less than one week- Rs.3,100/-

18 House Building Assistance
Pucca House Fully Damaged -Rs.70,000/- (Plain area) -Rs.75,000/- (Hilly area) Severely Damaged-Rs.12,600/- Partially Damaged-Rs.3,800/-

19 House Building Assistance
Kucha House Fully Damaged -Rs.17,600/- Severely Damaged -Rs.3,800/- Partially Damaged -Rs.2,300/-

20 House Building Assistance
Huts damaged/ destroyed -Rs.3,000/- Cattle shed attached with houses -Rs.1,500/-

21 House Damage Assessment Procedure
Detailed village wise inquiry by R.I. / Revenue Supervisor. Photographic evidence of damaged house with beneficiary Required check by Tahasildar / Other Officers. Approval of list by Collector. Disbursement by designated officers.

22 Fire Accidents Shops fully damaged-Rs.2,000/-
Shops substantially damaged-Rs.1,000/- Conditions: Annual income < Rs.25,000/- Shop not insured, and Not located on objectionable Govt. land

23 Shelter Materials and Utensils for Fully Damaged Houses
Rs.1,400/- per household for loss of utensils/ household goods Rs.1,300/- for clothing per household Condition: For families whose houses have been washed away/ fully damaged/ severely damaged/ severely inundated for more than a week. Polythene

24 Agriculture Input Subsidy To Small & marginal farmers:
Condition: Crop loss of 50% and above a. Agriculture/ horticulture/ annual plantation crops Rs.4,500/- per ha. in Rainfed areas Rs.9,000/- per ha. in Irrigated areas Minimum Assistance:Rs.750/- b. Perrenial crops Rs.12,000/- per ha. Minimum Assistance:Rs.1,500/-

25 Agriculture Input Subsidy To other farmers:
Condition: Crop loss of 50% and above a. Agriculture/ horticulture/ annual plantation crops Rs.4,500/- per ha. in Rainfed areas Rs.9,000/- per ha. in Irrigated areas Minimum Assistance:Rs.750/- b. Perrenial crops Rs.12,000/- per ha. Minimum Assistance:Rs.1,500/- Conditions: * Up to 1 ha. normally * Up to 2 ha. in case of Successive Calamities

26 Agriculture Input Subsidy to Sericulture farmers:
Condition: Limited to Small & marginal farmers Crop loss of 50% and above Rs.3,200/- per ha. for Eri, Mulberry, Tussar Rs.4,000/- per ha. for Muga.

27 Crop loss assessment Crop assessment to be undertaken by the RI through eye estimation and crop cutting experiments Eye estimation survey to be undertaken in every village. Crop cutting experiments shall be taken up only in the village where the crop loss appears to be more than 50% on eye estimation survey. Sample crop cutting experiment may be undertaken in the village where it becomes doubtful to determine the loss i.e. 50% or less through eye estimation. If sample crop cutting experiment indicates loss to be 50% or more, crop cutting experiments shall be undertaken in that village to determine the actual loss.

28 Crop loss assessment contd…
At least one sample crop cutting experiment shall be undertaken in a representative village of the Grampanchayat, where no village appears to have crop loss of 50% and more on eye estimation. If the sample crop cutting experiment indicates crop loss of 50% and more, then crop cutting experiments shall be undertaken in each and every village to ascertain actual loss. The crop cutting experiments shall be carried on representative fields with the consent of the owner in presence of two important persons of the village. The representative field is to be selected by the RI himself in not less than three fields taken at random in a village.

29 Crop loss assessment contd…
The Supervising Officer may select another field and direct the R.I. to undertake sample survey in that field if he considers that the field selected by the R.I. is not representative. Fields on which the crops are fairly good shall be avoided. The Area from which the crop will be cut shall be a square having length & breadth of 25 links each i.e. 1/160th of an acre. This shall be done in the presence of person who has raised the crop and two important persons of the village.

30 Assistance for De-silting of sand/ silt deposit from Agricultural land
Rs.8,100/- per ha Conditions: * For small and marginal farmers only * Sand Deposit > 3 inches * Detailed list to be approved by Collector

31 Assistance for loss of land due to Landslide or change of course of river
Rs.25,000/- per ha. Conditions: * For small and marginal farmers only

32 Assistance for replacement of milch/ draught animals & poultry (To small & marginal farmers only)
Milch animals Rs.16,400/- (Buffalo/ Cow/ Camel/ Yak, etc) (Restricted to one animal per house hold) Rs.1650/- (Sheep/ Goat) (Restricted to 4 animals per house hold) Draught animal: Rs.15,000/- (Camel/ Horse/ Bullock, etc.) Rs.10,000/- (Calf/ Donkey/ Pony/ Mule) (Restricted to 2 animals per house hold) Poultry: Rs.37/- per bird (Maximum ceiling-Rs.400/- per household)

33 Assistance to Fishermen
For repair / replacement of boats, nets damaged or lost- Repair Rs Rs.1500 Replacement Rs Rs1850 Input subsidy for fish seed farm- Rs.6000 per hectare De-silting/ repair/ restoration of fish farm- Rs.8100 per hectare (Limited to SMF)

34 Assistance to Artisans (Handicraft/Handloom)
For replacement of damaged tools - Rs 3000/- For raw material-Rs 3000/-

35 Other Assistances Food and other Emergent assistance (up to 30/60/90 days) Rs.40 per adult per day/ Rs.30 per child per day Provision of fodder/feed concentrate (up to 30/60/90 days) Rs.50 per large animal /Rs.25 per small animal per day Search & rescue measures as per actual Provision of temporary accommodation, food, clothing, medical care, etc. for people affected/ evacuated as per actual Emergency supply of drinking water (up to 30/ 90 days) Clearance of debris, draining of flood water & disposal of dead bodies, Carcasses, etc.

Expenditure from SDRF/ NDRF is permissible only for immediate repair and restoration works. Permanent restoration/ reconstruction to be covered under plan scheme Provision under annual budget for maintenance/ repair to be utilised first.

37 Eligible Sectors for restoration of Infrastructure
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

38 Illustrative List of works permissible for restoration
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

39 Illustrative List of works permissible for restoration Contd…..
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

40 Illustrative List of works permissible for restoration Contd…..
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6

41 Assessment of damage to Infrastructure
For immediate repair/ restoration in eligible sectors only. Daily reporting through Collector and Dept. Detailed damage report as soon as the calamity subsides. Formats for damage assessment. District-wise details to be kept ready. Analysis of rates on the basis of approved Scheduled of Rates to be kept ready. Quantification of damage in terms of length of road/ embankments/ breaches

42 Information required for submission of Memorandum to Govt of India
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6


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