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Red Elementary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Red Elementary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Red Elementary School

2 Welcome to Red Elementary’s Second Grade Parent Meeting

3 How to Help Your Child Succeed in Second Grade and Beyond

4 Ideas to Help Your Child in . . .
Reading Vocabulary Verbal Fluency Skills Writing Math Science and Social Studies

5 Today a reader, tomorrow a leader. – Margaret Fuller

6 Reading Read together every day.
Spend time talking about stories, pictures, and words. Read aloud to your child and encourage your child to read from a variety of texts. Read nursery rhymes and poetry to your child! ! ! Make reading fun. Act out favorite stories. Listen to your child read and periodically stop to ask questions (who, what, when, where, why, how). Review high frequency words daily. Visit the public library frequently.

7 Verbal Fluency Skills Share conversations with your child over meal times and other times you are together. Children learn words more easily when they hear them spoken often. Introduce new and interesting words at every opportunity. There is research that shows that there is “a direct link between a child’s academic performance in third grade, and the amount of words spoken in their home from birth to age three.” ticle/30000_words/

8 Writing Be a reader and a writer.
Children learn habits from the people around them. Make writing a shared activity. Write shopping lists, To Do lists, recipes, letters, etc. together. Write poems or the words to favorite songs. Transcribe your child’s made up stories.

9 Experiences in the World
Experiences outside the home provide your child with knowledge of their immediate environment and increase their knowledge of the world around them. This helps them in school. Visit museums, cultural and athletic events, university campuses, the Houston Rodeo, Downtown Houston, historic areas and buildings, etc. Encourage your child to explore new ideas. View and discuss educational programs with your child.

10 Point out math in the everyday environment:
Number, Operations and Quantative Reasoning Play games that require instant recall of basic facts. Take opportunities at shopping outings to reinforce the concepts of coin value and all kinds of measurement. Engage in mental math activities to add and subtract. Point out mathematics in games, sports, etc. More on the next slide . . . MATH IS EVERYWHERE! Point out math in the everyday environment: calendars, speed limit signs on the freeway, in activities like cooking, shopping, weather forecasts, etc.

11 Math is everywhere! Probability and Statistics
Look for and identify various patterns in child’s environment. Relate music heard in child’s environment to patterns. Doing skip counting activities. Probability and Statistics Keep a chart of the height of different family members. Keep a chart of the daily temperature. Interpret graphs in newspapers and magazines. Watch the weather forecast to keep track of the daily temperature. Practice telling time using an analog clock. Use scales at the grocery store to measure produce. Cook with your child and allow him/her to measure wet and dry ingredients. Practice estimating the duration of activities. Display and review a calendar. Create activities using rulers and measuring tape at home.

12 Underlying Processes & Mathematical Tools
More Math Geometry and Spatial Reasoning Identify objects in the child’s environment shaped like solid and plane figures Play games like “I Spy” using the child’s environment to identify objects shaped like solid and plane figures Engage in conversations using mathematical language Sequence whole dollar values on a number line, like the cost of a variety of toys from advertisements. Underlying Processes & Mathematical Tools Read books that relate to mathematical concepts Help your child become aware of how we all use mathematics in our everyday lives. Apply problem-solving strategies to real life problems.

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