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5th Grade Science Ms. Torres.

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Presentation on theme: "5th Grade Science Ms. Torres."— Presentation transcript:

1 5th Grade Science Ms. Torres

2 HW: look through your child’s notebook Warm Up: Info Slip
Sample of a notebook entry (always on the right side) Sept Pg. # Today’s Goal: Introduction to 5th Grade Science HW: look through your child’s notebook Warm Up: Info Slip Please complete the information slip placed on the desks.

3 Notebook setup ( 3 subject, college ruled, poly cover)
Page A: All About Me / Author’s Page Expectations and Syllabus Table of Contents Section 1: Quarter 1 Section 1: Q3 Section 2: Quarter 2 Section 2: Q4 Section 3: Assessment Section 3: Assessment

4 Notebooks facilitate communication
Notebooks provide an ongoing record of student work and growth - Assessment tool *review article

5 Classroom Expectations

6 Communication WIKI Page REMIND
(class messages via text or ) Communication


8 Students will soon have access to this site for additional reading reference / text.

9 Nuts and Bolts of the Curriculum
EOG year Set the foundation for their science academic journey Units of Study: Scientific Inquiry: create testable questions and hypotheses by making observations and predictions, write detailed and logical experimental procedures, describe relationships between dependent/independent variables and constant / control, collect and organize data into tables and graphs, analyze data to draw logical conclusions. * Science Fair * Structures and Functions of Living Organisms (Human Biology and Genetics) Understand how structures and systems of organisms (to include the human body) perform functions necessary for life: protection, movement and support. Forces and Motion (Physics) Understand force, motion and the relationship between them. Earth Systems, Structures and Processes (Meteorology) Understand weather patterns and phenomena, making connections to the weather in a particular place and time. Matter: Properties and Change (Chemistry) Understand the interactions of matter and energy and the changes that occur. Energy: Conservation and Transfer Explain how the properties of some materials change as a result of heating and cooling. Ecosystems (Ecology) Understand the interdependence of plants and animals with their ecosystem. 5th grade is a challenging year: 1: Bridge between elementary and higher level science classes 2: rigorous / intensive analysis of several areas of study

10 Will be using the same 4-point scale, based on Marzano’s scale.
4-point Scale at a glance 4.0= Exceeds mastery 3.0= Mastery 2.0= Developing understanding 1.0= Unsatisfactory understanding *A student may be awarded a + (1+, 2+, 3+) to indicate that they are making progress toward the next grade on assignments and assessments. . Grading means more to students if it’s infrequent. Continual grading of everything impairs students’ willingness to learn from mistakes, makes them teacher dependent, and teaches them to learn for grades, not for its own value. (Tomlinson)

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